Package com.volantis.mcs.protocols.widgets

Examples of com.volantis.mcs.protocols.widgets.FoldingItemContext


        // Retrieve current FoldingItem context.
        // This should not be null, since the Detail element
        // can only be inside the FoldingItem element.
        FoldingItemContext foldingItemContext =
        // Open outer <div> element.
      Element outerElement = openDivElement(attributes.getStyles(), getCurrentBuffer(protocol));
        // Generate an ID for it, if it's not already there.
        if (attributes.getId() == null) {
        outerElement.setAttribute("id", attributes.getId());
        // Store an ID in the FoldingItem context, so it can be
        // retrieved later, while rendering JavaScript code.

        // Lock an element, so it'll not be removed from the
        // DOM by any transformer/optimiser.
        setElementLocked(protocol, outerElement);
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        // Push new folding item context, making it a current one.

        FoldingItemContext foldingItemContext = getCurrentContext();
        // different way of rendering markers - now each of them
        // rendered separately, moreover markers should be set both
        // for folding-item and for summary element
        Styles foldedMarkerStyles = getFoldedMarkerStyles(protocol, attributes);
        if(foldedMarkerStyles != null) {

        Styles unfoldedMarkerStyles = getUnfoldedMarkerStyles(protocol, attributes);
        if(unfoldedMarkerStyles != null) {

        require(MODULE, protocol, attributes);
        if (attributes.getId() == null) {
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            require(WidgetScriptModules.BASE_AJAX, protocol, attributes);

        FoldingItemContext foldingItemContext = getCurrentContext();
        DOMOutputBuffer currentBuffer = getCurrentBuffer(protocol);

        String textToScript;
        String textLoadAttr = "";
            LoadAttributes loadAttributes = ((FoldingItemAttributes) attributes)
            if (loadAttributes != null) {
                textLoadAttr = ", load_src: " + createJavaScriptString(loadAttributes.getSrc())
                        + ", load_when: " + createJavaScriptString(loadAttributes.getWhen());

            Styles styles = attributes.getStyles();
            StyleValue unfoldon = styles.getPropertyValues().getSpecifiedValue(StylePropertyDetails.MCS_TOGGLE_EVENT);

            StyleValue initial_state = styles.getPropertyValues().getSpecifiedValue(StylePropertyDetails.MCS_INITIAL_STATE);
            // Create instances of styles extractors.
            StylesExtractor stylesExtractor =
                createStylesExtractor(protocol, attributes.getStyles());
            StylesExtractor disappearStylesExtractor =
                createStylesExtractor(protocol, attributes.getStyles());
            StylesExtractor unfoldedStylesExtractor =
                createStylesExtractor(protocol, attributes.getStyles());

            StringBuffer textBuffer = new StringBuffer("Widget.register(")
                    .append(",new Widget.FoldingItem(")
                    .append(", {")
                    .append("delay: ").append(stylesExtractor.getTransitionInterval())
                    .append(", ").append(getDisappearableOptions(disappearStylesExtractor))
                    .append(", ").append(getAppearableOptions(stylesExtractor))
                    // This part of code is used to apply unfolded style for the widget:folding-item
                    // element. As this is not required in the functional spec, the code is commented.
                    // In the future, if there'll be a requirement to specify unfolded styles
                    // for the widget:folding-item element, just uncomment this line and it'll work.
                    //+ ", unfoldedElementStyle: " + unfoldedStylesExtractor.getJavaScriptStyles()
                    .append(", unfoldedFtElementStyle: ").append(foldingItemContext.getSummaryUnfoldedStyles())
                    .append(", ftElementId: ")
                    .append(", fdElementId: ")
                    .append(", foldedSpanId: ")
                    .append(", unfoldedSpanId: ")
                    .append(((unfoldon == null) ? ""
                            : ", unfoldon: "+ createJavaScriptString(unfoldon.getStandardCSS())))
                    .append(((initial_state == null) ? ""
                            : ", initial_state: "+ createJavaScriptString(initial_state.getStandardCSS())))
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     * Creates and returns new instance of FoldingItemContext.
     * @return The FoldingItemContext.
    private FoldingItemContext createContext() {
        return new FoldingItemContext();
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        if (!isWidgetSupported(protocol)) {
        FoldingItemContext foldingItemContext =
        DOMOutputBuffer currentBuffer = getCurrentBuffer(protocol);
        // Render "summary" element
        Element element = openDivElement(attributes.getStyles(), currentBuffer);

        if (attributes.getId() == null) {

        element.setAttribute("id", attributes.getId());
        setElementLocked(protocol, element);

        // each marker (folded,unfolded) will be rendered separately
        // because marker could be also defined for folding-item
        // so its value is stored in folding-item context
        // if undefined for summary - value from folding-item is used (if defined)
        // if defined for summary - used no matter if defined for folding-item also

        Styles foldedMarkerStyles = getFoldedMarkerStyles(protocol, attributes);

        String foldedMarkerId = renderFoldedMarker(protocol, DEFAULT_FOLDED_MARKER, foldedMarkerStyles, foldingItemContext.getFoldedMarkerStyles());

        // the same scenario for unfolded
        Styles unfoldedMarkerStyles = getUnfoldedMarkerStyles(protocol, attributes);

        String unfoldedMarkerId = renderUnfoldedMarker(protocol, DEFAULT_UNFOLDED_MARKER, unfoldedMarkerStyles, foldingItemContext.getUnfoldedMarkerStyles());

        // Retrieve unfolded styles for further rendering
        StylesExtractor stylesExtractor = createStylesExtractor(protocol, attributes.getStyles());
        String unfoldedStyles = stylesExtractor.getJavaScriptStyles();
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Related Classes of com.volantis.mcs.protocols.widgets.FoldingItemContext

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