Package com.volantis.mcs.dissection

Examples of com.volantis.mcs.dissection.KeepTogetherAttributes

                type = DissectionElementTypes.getDissectableAreaType();

            } else if (localName.equals(KEEP_TOGETHER)) {

                // Create a new attributes class.
                KeepTogetherAttributes attrs
                    = new KeepTogetherAttributes();

                // Initialise the attributes class.
                String after = attributes.getValue("forceBreakAfter");
                String before = attributes.getValue("forceBreakBefore");

                // Set the annotation and the type.
                annotation = attrs;
                type = DissectionElementTypes.getKeepTogetherType();

            } else if (localName.equals(SHARD_LINK)) {

                // Create a new attributes class.
                ShardLinkAttributes attrs
                    = new ShardLinkAttributes();

                // Initialise the attributes class.
                String value = attributes.getValue("action");
                ShardLinkAction action;
                if (value.equals("next")) {
                    action = ShardLinkAction.NEXT;
                } else if (value.equals("previous")) {
                    action = ShardLinkAction.PREVIOUS;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action: "
                                                       + value);

                annotation = attrs;
                type = DissectionElementTypes.getShardLinkType();

            } else if (localName.equals(SHARD_LINK_GROUP)) {

                // Get the dissectable area identity.
                DissectableAreaIdentity identity
                    = getDissectableAreaIdentity(attributes);

                // Create a new attributes class.
                ShardLinkGroupAttributes attrs
                    = new ShardLinkGroupAttributes();

                // Initialise the attributes class.

                annotation = attrs;
                type = DissectionElementTypes.getShardLinkGroupType();

            } else if (localName.equals(SHARD_LINK_CONDITIONAL)) {

                // Create a new attributes class.
                ShardLinkConditionalAttributes attrs
                    = new ShardLinkConditionalAttributes();

                // Initialise the attributes class.
                ShardLinkContentRule rule;
                String value = attributes.getValue("rule");
                if (value.equals("any")) {
                    rule = StandardContentRules.getAnyRule();
                } else if (value.equals("separator")) {
                    rule = StandardContentRules.getSeparatorRule();
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rule: "
                                                       + value);

                annotation = attrs;
                type = DissectionElementTypes.getShardLinkConditionalType();

            } else {
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