A Dockview is the component responsible for displaying a single user component inside a DockingPanel.
The DockView contains a DockViewTitleBar, used as a header to display useful information and optional controls (close/maximize/hide/float)
UI : The user component is displayed with decorations provided by a {@link com.vlsolutions.swing.docking.ui.DockViewUI} delegate.
Here is an example (VLDocking 1.1 "shadow" style) :
Note : multiple user-components are not displayable by the dockview : the default implementation of TabbedDockableContainer is the {@link DockTabbedPane}. @see DockViewTitleBar @author Lilian Chamontin, vlsolutions. @version 1.0 @update 2005/12/09 Lilian Chamontin : added NPE safety check around uninstallDocking as sometimesuninstalling is done twice. @update 2007/01/08 Lilian Chamontin : delegated the creation of the titlebar to allow easy override.