(or "Binary Interval Tree") is a 1-dimensional version of a quadtree. It indexes 1-dimensional intervals (which may be the projection of 2-D objects on an axis). It supports range searching (where the range may be a single point). This structure is dynamic - new items can be added at any time, and it will support deletion of items (although this is not currently implemented). This implementation does not require specifying the extent of the inserted items beforehand. It will automatically expand to accomodate any extent of dataset.
The bintree structure is used to provide a primary filter for interval queries. The query() method returns a list of all objects which may intersect the query interval. Note that it may return objects which do not in fact intersect. A secondary filter is required to test for exact intersection. Of course, this secondary filter may consist of other tests besides intersection, such as testing other kinds of spatial relationships.
This index is different to the Interval Tree of Edelsbrunner or the Segment Tree of Bentley. @version 1.7