"2. Button A button with its own click listener was clicked");
public void dragInGridLayout() {
GridLayoutElement layout = $(GridLayoutElement.class).first();
// Drag inside the first label in this layout
new Actions(getDriver())
.moveToElement(layout.$(LabelElement.class).first(), 40, 8)
.clickAndHold().moveByOffset(-20, 0).release().perform();
assertLogText("Mouse dragged in GridLayout",
"1. GridLayout: left click on This is label 1");
// Drag from the third label to a text field in this layout
new Actions(getDriver())
.moveToElement(layout.$(LabelElement.class).get(2), 40, 8)
.moveToElement(layout.$(TextFieldElement.class).get(3), 46, 33)
assertLogText("Expected the drag to be ignored between elements",
"1. GridLayout: left click on This is label 1");