"1. VerticalLayout: left click on This is tf5");
public void dragInAbsoluteLayout() {
AbsoluteLayoutElement layout = $(AbsoluteLayoutElement.class).first();
// Drag inside the first text field's caption
new Actions(getDriver())
.moveToElement(layout.$(TextFieldElement.class).first(), 21, 9)
.clickAndHold().moveByOffset(-10, 0).release().perform();
assertLogText("Mouse dragged in AbsoluteLayout",
"1. AbsoluteLayout: left click on This is its caption");
// Drag from a text field to another text field
new Actions(getDriver())
.moveToElement(layout.$(TextFieldElement.class).get(1), 54, 7)
.moveToElement(layout.$(TextFieldElement.class).first(), 52, 10)
assertLogText("Expected the drag to be ignored between elements",
"1. AbsoluteLayout: left click on This is its caption");