writer.write("\"" + ApplicationConstants.SERVER_SYNC_ID + "\": "
+ syncId + ", ");
writer.write("\"changes\" : ");
JsonPaintTarget paintTarget = new JsonPaintTarget(manager, writer,
new LegacyUidlWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);
writer.write(", "); // close changes
// send shared state to client
// for now, send the complete state of all modified and new
// components
// Ideally, all this would be sent before "changes", but that causes
// complications with legacy components that create sub-components
// in their paint phase. Nevertheless, this will be processed on the
// client after component creation but before legacy UIDL
// processing.
new SharedStateWriter().write(ui, writer);
writer.write(", "); // close states
// TODO This should be optimized. The type only needs to be
// sent once for each connector id + on refresh. Use the same cache
// as
// widget mapping
new ConnectorTypeWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);
writer.write(", "); // close states
// Send update hierarchy information to the client.
// This could be optimized aswell to send only info if hierarchy has
// actually changed. Much like with the shared state. Note though
// that an empty hierarchy is information aswell (e.g. change from 1
// child to 0 children)
new ConnectorHierarchyWriter().write(ui, writer);
writer.write(", "); // close hierarchy
// send server to client RPC calls for components in the UI, in call
// order
// collect RPC calls from components in the UI in the order in
// which they were performed, remove the calls from components
writer.write("\"rpc\" : ");
new ClientRpcWriter().write(ui, writer);
writer.write(", "); // close rpc
writer.write("\"meta\" : ");
SystemMessages messages = ui.getSession().getService()
.getSystemMessages(ui.getLocale(), null);
// TODO hilightedConnector
new MetadataWriter().write(ui, writer, repaintAll, async, messages);
writer.write(", ");
writer.write("\"resources\" : ");
new ResourceWriter().write(ui, writer, paintTarget);
Collection<Class<? extends ClientConnector>> usedClientConnectors = paintTarget
boolean typeMappingsOpen = false;
ClientCache clientCache = manager.getClientCache(ui);
List<Class<? extends ClientConnector>> newConnectorTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends ClientConnector>>();