} else {
acoPT.add(getPackageTypeFromLine(sLine, for_lineRetrieval.getLineNumberPrev()));
} else {
JDClass jdc = getJDClassFromLine(sLine, for_lineRetrieval.getLineNumberPrev(), pta);
if(!bFoundPTDivider) {
throwAX("getJDCAFromFLR: So far, there are " + acoPT.size() + " PackageTypes, but I've reached the end of the file, and have not found the '~' divider line. PackageTypes belong before it, and JDClasses after. At least one of each is required.");
//Add the most special and reserved JDClass...
JDClass jdc = getJDClassFromLine("over overview-summary", 1, pta);
Object[] ao = acoJDC.getAOObject();
JDClass[] aJDC = new JDClass[ao.length];
for(int i = 0; i < aJDC.length; i++) {