@param i_rqdUnqGapCount The number of gaps expected to be in as_uniqueGapNames. If you don't care how many gaps are in as_uniqueGapNames, set this to -1. Otherwise, this must be greater than zero.
@param b_dupGapsAllowed If true, then each unique gap may be duplicated any number of times. If false, then each unique gap must only exist once.
public OGConfig(String[] as_uniqueGapNames, int i_rqdUnqGapCount, boolean b_dupGapsAllowed) {
PARSStrict parss = (new PARSStrict());
PASString pass = new PASString(as_uniqueGapNames, parss);
pass.crashIfBad("xbn.template.OGConfig.constructor", "as_uniqueGapNames");
aosl = (new UtilArray()).getAOSLFromAOS(as_uniqueGapNames, true);
aps = new APString(as_uniqueGapNames, true);
if(i_rqdUnqGapCount == 0 || i_rqdUnqGapCount < -1) {