setWindowTitle(tr("Synchronization Required"));
String iconPath = new String("classpath:cx/fbn/nevernote/icons/");
setWindowIcon(new QIcon(new QIcon(iconPath+"synchronize.png")));
neverSynchronize = new QCheckBox(tr("I never want to synchronize with Evernote so quit bothering me."));
okButton = new QPushButton(tr("Ok"));
QTextBrowser warning = new QTextBrowser();
warning.setText(tr("Please synchronize with Evernote before proceeding.\n\n" +
"In order to use this feature you need to synchronize with Evernote. After synchronizing" +
" the necessary information will be saved so you won't need to do it again. \n\n"
+"If you don't wish to use Evernote's then please check the option at the bottom."));
QVBoxLayout mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();