This class is help you to start the TOC JNDI Provider Service.
Instruction of TOC JNDP Service:
java -classpath {JNDP_HOME}\tocjndp.jar;{JNDP_HOME}\toclib.jar {@link com.toc.jndp.StandAloneJNDServiceStarter}
JNDService service = new JNDService(); service.start();
Configurable Items (
All the items below are optional.
Name Description Properties Code Default Binding Address The net address bind to the service com.toc.jndp.service.bindaddress KEY_JNDP_BIND_ADDRESS null, any available address Binding Port The port bind to the service com.toc.jndp.service.port KEY_JNDP_PORT 1099 Binding RMI Port The port bind to the service for RMI to export the remote object com.toc.jndp.service.rmiport KEY_JNDP_RMI_PORT 0, random port Binding Backlog The maximum queue length for incoming connection com.toc.jndp.service.backlog KEY_JNDP_BACKLOG 50 Binding RMI Port The port bind to the service for RMI com.toc.jndp.service.rmiport KEY_JNDP_RMI_PORT 0, random port Server Socket Factory JNDP Server Socket Factory. com.toc.jndp.service.server.socket.factory KEY_JNDP_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY$DefaultServerSocketFactory RMI Server Socket Factory JNDP RMI Server Socket Factory, to create the socket for server accept remote call. com.toc.jndp.service.rmi.server.socket.factory KEY_JNDP_RMI_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY {@link} RMI Client Socket Factory JNDP RMI Client Socket Factory, to create the socket for client to make the call to the server. com.toc.jndp.service.rmi.client.socket.factory KEY_JNDP_RMI_CLIENT_SOCKET_FACTORY null JNDP Service Provider Storage Implementation Technology The technology of JNDP Service Provider Storage technology, currently support Runtime Hash-Map KEY_JNDP_STORAGE_IMPLIMENTATION RUNTIME
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 Thousand Origami Cranes Corp.
Create Time: Jun 27, 2010 2:01:37 AM @author Kevin.Zhou @version 1.0