public Connection borrowConnection(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws TimeoutException, ConnectionException {
logger.debug("Borrowing connection from pool on {} - timeout in {} {}", host, timeout, unit);
if (isClosed()) throw new ConnectionException(host.getHostUri(), host.getAddress(), "Pool is shutdown");
final Connection leastUsedConn = selectLeastUsed();
if (connections.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Tried to borrow connection but the pool was empty for {} - scheduling pool creation and waiting for connection", host);
for (int i = 0; i < minPoolSize; i++) {
return waitForConnection(timeout, unit);
if (null == leastUsedConn) {
if (isClosed())
throw new ConnectionException(host.getHostUri(), host.getAddress(), "Pool is shutdown");
logger.debug("Pool was initialized but a connection could not be selected earlier - waiting for connection on {}", host);
return waitForConnection(timeout, unit);
// if the number in flight on the least used connection exceeds the max allowed and the pool size is