Package com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference

Examples of com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.DirectReference

                        insertedX509Cache.put(x509TokenId, token);
                    //STR for the KeyInfo of signature
                    SecurityTokenReference secTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                    String strId = x509Binding.getSTRID();
                    if(strId == null){
                        strId = secureMessage.generateId();
                    //TODO: PLUGFEST Microsoft setting EK on reference inseatd of STR
                    //set id of encrypted key
                    keyInfo = dsigHelper.constructKeyInfo(signaturePolicy,secTokenRef);
            }else {
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                        // set the next sibling to next sibling of derived key token
                        nextSibling = dktHeadrBlock.getAsSoapElement().getNextSibling();
                        nxtSiblingContainer[0] = nextSibling;
                        //Construct the STR for signature
                        DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                        SecurityTokenReference sigTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                        keyInfo = dsigHelper.constructKeyInfo(signaturePolicy,sigTokenRef);
                        return keyInfo;
                    } else if(wss11Sender || wss10){
                        AuthenticationTokenPolicy.X509CertificateBinding x509Binding = null;
                        X509Certificate cert = null;
                        if ( context.getX509CertificateBinding() != null ) {
                            x509Binding = context.getX509CertificateBinding();
                        HashMap tokenCache = context.getTokenCache();
                        HashMap insertedX509Cache = context.getInsertedX509Cache();
                        String x509id = x509Binding.getUUID();
                        if(x509id == null || x509id.equals("")){
                            x509id = secureMessage.generateId();
                        SecurityUtil.checkIncludeTokenPolicy(context, x509Binding, x509id);
                        referenceType =  x509Binding.getReferenceType();
                        strategy = KeyInfoStrategy.getInstance(referenceType);
                        X509SecurityToken token = null;
                        cert = x509Binding.getX509Certificate();
                        String x509TokenId = x509Binding.getUUID();
                        //Check to see if same x509 token used for Signature and Encryption
                        boolean tokenInserted = false;
                        if(x509TokenId == null || x509TokenId.equals("")){
                            x509TokenId = secureMessage.generateId();
                        // ReferenceType adjustment in checkIncludeTokenPolicy is also currently
                        // causing an insertion of the X509 into the Message
                        X509SecurityToken insertedx509 =
                        // this one is used to determine if the whole BST + EK + DKT(opt)
                        // has been inserted by another filter such as Encryption running before
                        token = (X509SecurityToken)tokenCache.get(x509TokenId);
                        if (token == null) {
                            if (insertedx509 != null) {
                                token = insertedx509;
                                tokenCache.put(x509TokenId, insertedx509);
                            } else {
                                String valueType = x509Binding.getValueType();
                                    //default valueType for X509 as v3
                                    valueType = MessageConstants.X509v3_NS;
                                token = new X509SecurityToken(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), cert, x509TokenId, valueType);
                                tokenCache.put(x509TokenId, token);
                        } else{
                            tokenInserted = true;
                        String dktId = keyBinding.getUUID();
                        if (dktId == null) {
                            dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                        String nonce = Base64.encode(dkt.getNonce());
                        HashMap ekCache = context.getEncryptedKeyCache();
                        String ekId = (String)ekCache.get(x509TokenId);
                        EncryptedKey encryptedKey = null;
                        XMLCipher keyEncryptor = null;
                            //Store SymmetricKey generated in ProcessingContext
                            context.setExtraneousProperty("SecretKey", originalKey); //this is the originalKey
                            //keyinfo for encryptedKey
                            keyInfoBlock = new KeyInfoHeaderBlock(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                            strategy.insertKey(keyInfoBlock, secureMessage, x509TokenId);
                   apacheKeyInfo = keyInfoBlock.getKeyInfo();
                            //create an encrypted Key --- it encrypts the original key
                                keyEncryptor = XMLCipher.getInstance(keyEncAlgo);
                                keyEncryptor.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, cert.getPublicKey());
                                if (keyEncryptor != null) {
                                    encryptedKey = keyEncryptor.encryptKey(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), originalKey);
                            }catch(Exception e){
                                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LogStringsMessages.WSS_1335_UNSUPPORTED_KEYBINDING_SIGNATUREPOLICY());
                                throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
                            ekId = secureMessage.generateId();
                            ekCache.put(x509TokenId, ekId);
                            // set its KeyInfo
                        //STR for DerivedKeyToken
                        SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                        DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                        //TODO: PLUGFEST commenting this as Microsoft puts Value type on reference itself
                        //set id of encrypted key in STR of DKT
                        DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock dktHeadrBlock =
                                new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(securityHeader.getOwnerDocument(), tokenRef, nonce, dkt.getOffset(), dkt.getLength() ,dktId);
                            Node nsX509 = null;
                            if (insertedx509 != null) {
                                nsX509 = insertedx509.getNextSibling();
                            // move DKT below X509 if present
                            if (nsX509 == null) {
                            } else {
                                secureMessage.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().insertBefore(dktHeadrBlock, nsX509);
                            // move EK above DKT but below X509
                            if (insertedx509 != null) {
                                nsX509 = insertedx509.getNextSibling();
                            // insert the EK into the SOAPMessage -  this goes on top of DKT Header block
                            SOAPElement se = (SOAPElement)keyEncryptor.martial(encryptedKey);
                            if (nsX509 == null) {
                            }else {
                                secureMessage.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().insertBefore(se, nsX509);
                            //insert the token as the first child in SecurityHeader
                            if (MessageConstants.DIRECT_REFERENCE_TYPE.equals(referenceType) && insertedX509Cache.get(x509TokenId) == null){
                                insertedX509Cache.put(x509TokenId, token);
                            //store EKSHA1 of KeyValue contents in context
                            Element cipherData = (Element)se.getChildElements(new QName(MessageConstants.XENC_NS, "CipherData", MessageConstants.XENC_PREFIX)).next();
                            String cipherValue = cipherData.getElementsByTagNameNS(MessageConstants.XENC_NS, "CipherValue").item(0).getTextContent();
                            byte[] decodedCipher = Base64.decode(cipherValue);
                            byte[] ekSha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1").digest(decodedCipher);
                            String encEkSha1 = Base64.encode(ekSha1);
                            context.setExtraneousProperty("EncryptedKeySHA1", encEkSha1);
                        } else{
                            //insert derived key after the existing EK
                            Element ekElem = secureMessage.getElementById(ekId);
                            secureMessage.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().insertBefore(dktHeadrBlock, ekElem.getNextSibling());
                        //Construct the STR for signature
                        DirectReference refSig = new DirectReference();
                        SecurityTokenReference sigTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                        keyInfo = dsigHelper.constructKeyInfo(signaturePolicy,sigTokenRef);
                        // set the next sibling to next sibling of derived key token
                        nextSibling = dktHeadrBlock.getAsSoapElement().getNextSibling();
                        nxtSiblingContainer[0] = nextSibling;
                        return keyInfo;
                } else if ( PolicyTypeUtil.issuedTokenKeyBinding(originalKeyBinding)) {
                    IssuedTokenKeyBinding itk = (IssuedTokenKeyBinding)originalKeyBinding;
                    IssuedTokenContext issuedTokenContext =  context.getTrustContext();
                    //Get the IssuedToken and insert it into the message
                    GenericToken issuedToken = (GenericToken)issuedTokenContext.getSecurityToken();
                    SOAPElement tokenElem =  null;
                    SecurityTokenReference str = null;
                    Element strElem = null;
                    // check if the token is already present
                    IssuedTokenKeyBinding ikb = (IssuedTokenKeyBinding)originalKeyBinding;
                    //String ikbPolicyId = ikb.getPolicyToken().getTokenId();
                    String ikbPolicyId = ikb.getUUID();
                    //Look for TrustToken in TokenCache
                    HashMap tokCache = context.getTokenCache();
                    Object tok = tokCache.get(ikbPolicyId);
                    SOAPElement issuedTokenElementFromMsg = null;
                    String iTokenType = ikb.getIncludeToken();
                    boolean includeIST =  (ikb.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(iTokenType) ||
                                                 ikb.INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(iTokenType) ||
                                                 ikb.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_VER2.equals(iTokenType) ||
                    if (includeIST && (issuedToken == null)) {
                        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LogStringsMessages.WSS_1343_NULL_ISSUED_TOKEN());
                        throw new XWSSecurityException("Issued Token to be inserted into the Message was Null");
                    if (issuedToken != null) {
                        // treat the token as an Opaque entity and just insert the token into message
                        Element elem = (Element)issuedToken.getTokenValue();
                        if (tok == null) {
                            //TODO: remove these expensive conversions DOM Imports
                            tokenElem = XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), elem);
                            //FIX for Issue 26: We need an Id to cache and MS is not setting in some cases
                            String tokId = tokenElem.getAttribute("Id");
                            if ("".equals(tokId) &&
                                    MessageConstants.ENCRYPTED_DATA_LNAME.equals(tokenElem.getLocalName())) {
                                tokenElem.setAttribute("Id", secureMessage.generateId());
                            tokCache.put(ikbPolicyId, tokenElem);
                        } else {
                            // it will be SOAPElement retrieve its wsuId attr
                            String wsuId = SecurityUtil.getWsuIdOrId((Element)tok);
                            issuedTokenElementFromMsg = (SOAPElement)secureMessage.getElementById(wsuId);
                            if (issuedTokenElementFromMsg == null) {
                                throw new XWSSecurityException("Could not locate Issued Token in Message");
                    if (includeIST) {
                        strElem = (Element)issuedTokenContext.getAttachedSecurityTokenReference().getTokenValue();
                    } else {
                        strElem = (Element)issuedTokenContext.getUnAttachedSecurityTokenReference().getTokenValue();
                    //TODO: remove these expensive conversions
                    Element imported = (Element)secureMessage.getSOAPPart().importNode(strElem,true);
                    str = new SecurityTokenReference(XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), imported), false);
                    if (originalKey != null) {
                        SecurityUtil.updateSamlVsKeyCache(str, context, originalKey);
                    String dktId = keyBinding.getUUID();
                    if (dktId == null) {
                        dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                    DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock derivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock =
                            new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(
                    if (issuedTokenElementFromMsg != null) {
                        SecurityHeader _secHeader = secureMessage.findOrCreateSecurityHeader();
                        _secHeader.insertBefore(derivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock, issuedTokenElementFromMsg.getNextSibling());
                    } else {
                        Node reflist = context.getCurrentRefList();
                        if (reflist != null) {
                            secureMessage.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().insertBefore(derivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock, reflist);
                        } else {
                    // insert the Issued Token after the DKT
                    if (tokenElem != null) {
                        if (includeIST) {
                        // also store the token in Packet.invocationProperties to be used by
                        // client side response processing
                    //Construct the STR for signature
                    DirectReference refSig = new DirectReference();
                    SecurityTokenReference sigTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    keyInfo = dsigHelper.constructKeyInfo(signaturePolicy,sigTokenRef);
                    // set the next sibling to next sibling of derived key token
                    nextSibling = derivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock.getAsSoapElement().getNextSibling();
                    nxtSiblingContainer[0] = nextSibling;
                    return keyInfo;
                } else if ( PolicyTypeUtil.samlTokenPolicy(originalKeyBinding)) {
                    logger.log(Level.SEVERE, LogStringsMessages.WSS_1345_UNSUPPORTED_DERIVEDKEYS_SAML_TOKEN());
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("DerivedKeys with SAMLToken not yet supported");
                } else if (PolicyTypeUtil.secureConversationTokenKeyBinding(originalKeyBinding)) {
                    SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding sctBinding = (SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding)originalKeyBinding;
                    //STR for DerivedKeyToken
                    SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    SOAPElement sctElement = insertSCT(context, sctBinding, tokenRef);
                    String dktId = keyBinding.getUUID();
                    if (dktId == null) {
                        dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                    String nonce = Base64.encode(dkt.getNonce());
                    DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock dktHeaderBlock =
                            new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(
                            securityHeader.getOwnerDocument(), tokenRef, nonce, dkt.getOffset(), dkt.getLength() ,dktId);
                    Node next = (sctElement != null) ? sctElement.getNextSibling() : null;
                    if (next == null) {
                        Node reflist = context.getCurrentRefList();
                        if (reflist != null) {
                            next = reflist;
                    SOAPElement dktElem = (SOAPElement)securityHeader.insertBefore(
                            dktHeaderBlock.getAsSoapElement(), next);
                    //Construct the STR for signature
                    DirectReference refSig = new DirectReference();
                    SecurityTokenReference sigTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    // signature should be below DKT
                    nextSibling = dktElem.getNextSibling();
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                // record the element
                sctElement = secureMessage.getElementByWsuId(sct.getWsuId());
            DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
            reference.setURI("#" + sctWsuId);
        } else {
            // we have to insert SCT Session Id instead of wsuId
            DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
            reference.setSCTURI(sct.getIdentifier().toString(), sct.getInstance());
        return sctElement;
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            strId = secureMessage.generateId();
                DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                // this is an X509 certificate binding
                String valueType= certInfo.getValueType();
                //Use DirectReferenceStrategy -
                //Revisit :: Move is generation to filters.
                String id = certInfo.getUUID();
                if(id == null || id.equals("")){
                    id = secureMessage.generateId();
                SecurityTokenReference secTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                keyInfo = dsigHelper.constructKeyInfo(signaturePolicy,secTokenRef);
                X509SecurityToken token =  null;
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                    skbX509TokenInserted = true;
                    _symmetricKey = context.getCurrentSecret();
                ekTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                insertedEkId = (String)ekCache.get(x509TokenId);
                if(insertedEkId == null)
                    insertedEkId = ekId;
                    referenceType =  certificateBinding.getReferenceType();
                    if(referenceType.equals("Identifier") && certificateBinding.getValueType().equals(MessageConstants.X509v1_NS)){
                        throw new XWSSecurityException("Key Identifier strategy with X509v1 is not allowed");
                    keyInfoStrategy = KeyInfoStrategy.getInstance(referenceType);
                    _exportCertificate = true;
                    //Store SymmetricKey generated in ProcessingContext
                    context.setExtraneousProperty("SecretKey", _symmetricKey);
                    if(insertedX509Cache.get(x509TokenId) == null){
                        insertedX509Cache.put(x509TokenId, token);
                        x509TokenElement = secureMsg.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().getNextSiblingOfTimestamp();
                    } else{
                        //x509TokenElement = secureMsg.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().getFirstChildElement();
                        x509TokenElement = secureMsg.getElementByWsuId(x509TokenId);
        } else if (PolicyTypeUtil.samlTokenPolicy(keyBinding)) {
            //TODO handler saml, it should be a remote SAML Assertion
            // since a message from the sender cannot have the receivers assertion as part of message
            AuthenticationTokenPolicy.SAMLAssertionBinding samlBinding =
            Assertion assertion1 = null;
            Assertion assertion2 = null;
            try {
                if (System.getProperty("com.sun.xml.wss.saml.binding.jaxb") == null ) {
                    if (samlBinding.getAssertion().getAttributeNode("ID") != null) {
                        assertion1 = (Assertion)com.sun.xml.wss.saml.assertion.saml20.jaxb20.Assertion.fromElement(samlBinding.getAssertion());
                        assertion1 = (Assertion)com.sun.xml.wss.saml.assertion.saml11.jaxb20.Assertion.fromElement(samlBinding.getAssertion());
                } else {
                    assertion2 = (Assertion)com.sun.xml.wss.saml.assertion.saml11.jaxb10.Assertion.fromElement(samlBinding.getAssertion());
            } catch (SAMLException ex) {
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1212.error.SAMLAssertionException");
                throw new XWSSecurityException(ex);
            String assertionID = null;
            if (assertion1 != null) {
                HashMap tokenCache = context.getTokenCache();
                //assuming unique IDs
                assertionID = ((com.sun.xml.wss.saml.Assertion)assertion1).getAssertionID();
                tokenCache.put(assertionID, assertion1);
            } else if (assertion2 != null) {
                HashMap tokenCache = context.getTokenCache();
                //assuming unique IDs
                assertionID = ((com.sun.xml.wss.saml.Assertion)assertion2).getAssertionID();
                tokenCache.put(assertionID, assertion2);
            } else{
                throw new XWSSecurityException("SAML Assertion is NULL");
            //Key key = null;
            samlkey = KeyResolver.resolveSamlAssertion(
                    context.getSecurableSoapMessage(), samlBinding.getAssertion(), true, context, assertionID);
            _x509Cert = context.getSecurityEnvironment().getCertificate(
                    context.getExtraneousProperties() ,(PublicKey)key, false);
            if (_x509Cert == null) {
                throw new XWSSecurityException("Could not locate Certificate corresponding to Key in SubjectConfirmation of SAML Assertion");
            if (!"".equals(samlBinding.getKeyAlgorithm())) {
                keyEncAlgo = samlBinding.getKeyAlgorithm();
            _symmetricKey = SecurityUtil.generateSymmetricKey(dataEncAlgo);
            referenceType = samlBinding.getReferenceType();
            if (referenceType.equals(MessageConstants.EMBEDDED_REFERENCE_TYPE)) {
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1215.unsupported.EmbeddedReference.SAMLAssertion");
                throw new XWSSecurityException("Embedded Reference Type for SAML Assertions not supported yet");
            String assertionId = null;
            if ( assertion1 != null) {
                assertionId = ((com.sun.xml.wss.saml.Assertion)assertion1).getAssertionID();
            }else if ( assertion2 != null) {
                assertionId = ((com.sun.xml.wss.saml.Assertion)assertion2).getAssertionID();
            Element binding = samlBinding.getAuthorityBinding();
            samlTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
            String strId = samlBinding.getSTRID();
            if(strId == null){
                strId = secureMsg.generateId();
            if (binding != null) {
                samlTokenRef.setSamlAuthorityBinding(binding, secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
            keyInfoStrategy = new KeyIdentifierStrategy(assertionId);
            keyInfoStrategy.insertKey(samlTokenRef, secureMsg);
        } else if ( PolicyTypeUtil.issuedTokenKeyBinding(keyBinding)) {
            IssuedTokenContext trustContext =  context.getTrustContext();
            //get the symmetric key for encryption
                _symmetricKey = new SecretKeySpec(trustContext.getProofKey(), SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(dataEncAlgo));
            } catch(Exception e){
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1216.unableto.get.symmetrickey.Encryption");
                throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
            //Get the IssuedToken and insert it into the message
            GenericToken issuedToken = (GenericToken)trustContext.getSecurityToken();
            // check if the token is already present
            IssuedTokenKeyBinding ikb = (IssuedTokenKeyBinding)keyBinding;
            //String ikbPolicyId = ikb.getPolicyToken().getTokenId();
            String ikbPolicyId = ikb.getUUID();
            //Look for TrustToken in TokenCache
            HashMap tokCache = context.getTokenCache();
            Object tok = tokCache.get(ikbPolicyId);
            SecurityTokenReference str = null;
            Element strElem = null;
            String tokenVersion = ikb.getIncludeToken();
            includeIST = (IssuedTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(tokenVersion) ||
                          IssuedTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(tokenVersion) ||
                          IssuedTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_VER2.equals(tokenVersion) ||
            if (includeIST && (issuedToken == null)) {
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1217.null.IssueToken");
                throw new XWSSecurityException("Issued Token to be inserted into the Message was Null");
            //trust token to be inserted into message
            if (issuedToken != null) {
                // treat the token as an Opaque entity and just insert the token into message
                Element elem = (Element)issuedToken.getTokenValue();
                //TODO: remove these expensive conversions DOM Imports
                if (tok == null) {
                    issuedTokenElement = XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), elem);
                    //Temp FIX for Issue#26: We need an Id to cache and MS not sending Id in some cases
                    String tokId = issuedTokenElement.getAttribute("Id");
                    if ("".equals(tokId) &&
                            MessageConstants.ENCRYPTED_DATA_LNAME.equals(issuedTokenElement.getLocalName())) {
                        issuedTokenElement.setAttribute("Id", secureMessage.generateId());
                    tokCache.put(ikbPolicyId, issuedTokenElement);
                } else {
                    issuedTokenInserted = true;
                    // it will be SOAPElement retrieve its wsuId attr
                    String wsuId = SecurityUtil.getWsuIdOrId((Element)tok);
                    issuedTokenElementFromMsg = secureMessage.getElementById(wsuId);
                    if (issuedTokenElementFromMsg == null) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1218.unableto.locate.IssueToken.Message");
                        throw new XWSSecurityException("Could not locate Issued Token in Message");
            if (includeIST) {
                if (trustContext.getAttachedSecurityTokenReference() != null) {
                    strElem = SecurityUtil.convertSTRToElement(trustContext.getAttachedSecurityTokenReference().getTokenValue(), secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                } else {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1219.unableto.refer.Attached.IssueToken");
                    throw new XWSSecurityException("Cannot determine how to reference the Attached Issued Token in the Message");
            } else {
                //Trust Issued Token should not be in message at all, so use an external reference
                if (trustContext.getUnAttachedSecurityTokenReference() != null) {
                    strElem = SecurityUtil.convertSTRToElement(trustContext.getUnAttachedSecurityTokenReference().getTokenValue(), secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                } else {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1220.unableto.refer.Un-Attached.IssueToken");
                    throw new XWSSecurityException("Cannot determine how to reference the Un-Attached Issued Token in the Message");
            //TODO: remove these expensive conversions
            Element imported = (Element)secureMessage.getSOAPPart().importNode(strElem,true);
            issuedTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), imported), false);
            SecurityUtil.updateSamlVsKeyCache(issuedTokenRef, context, _symmetricKey);
        } else if (PolicyTypeUtil.secureConversationTokenKeyBinding(keyBinding)) {
            SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding sctBinding = (SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding)keyBinding;
            //String sctPolicyId = sctBinding.getPolicyToken().getTokenId();
            String sctPolicyId = sctBinding.getUUID();
            //Look for SCT in TokenCache
            HashMap tokCache = context.getTokenCache();
            sct = (SecurityContextTokenImpl)tokCache.get(sctPolicyId);
            IssuedTokenContext ictx = context.getSecureConversationContext();
            if (sct == null) {
                SecurityContextToken sct1 =(SecurityContextToken)ictx.getSecurityToken();
                if (sct1 == null) {
                    throw new XWSSecurityException("SecureConversation Token not Found");
                sct = new SecurityContextTokenImpl(
                        secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), sct1.getIdentifier().toString(), sct1.getInstance(), sct1.getWsuId(), sct1.getExtElements());
                // put back in token cache
                tokCache.put(sctPolicyId, sct);
            } else {
                sctTokenInserted = true;
                // record the element
                sctElement = secureMessage.getElementByWsuId(sct.getWsuId());
            String sctWsuId = sct.getWsuId();
            if (sctWsuId == null) {
            sctWsuId = sct.getWsuId();
            secConvRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
            DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
            if (SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(sctBinding.getIncludeToken()) ||
                    SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(sctBinding.getIncludeToken())) {
                reference.setURI("#" + sctWsuId);
            } else {
                includeSCT = false;
                reference.setSCTURI(sct.getIdentifier().toString(), sct.getInstance());
            referenceType = MessageConstants.DIRECT_REFERENCE_TYPE;
            keyInfoStrategy = KeyInfoStrategy.getInstance(referenceType);
            String jceAlgo = SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(dataEncAlgo);
            _symmetricKey = new SecretKeySpec(ictx.getProofKey(), jceAlgo);
        } else if (PolicyTypeUtil.derivedTokenKeyBinding(keyBinding)){
            DerivedTokenKeyBinding dtk = (DerivedTokenKeyBinding)keyBinding.clone();
            WSSPolicy originalKeyBinding = dtk.getOriginalKeyBinding();
            String algorithm = null;
            if(algSuite != null){
                algorithm = algSuite.getEncryptionAlgorithm();
            //The offset and length to be used for DKT
            long offset = 0; // Default 0
            long length = SecurityUtil.getLengthFromAlgorithm(algorithm);
            if (PolicyTypeUtil.x509CertificateBinding(originalKeyBinding)) {
                //throw new XWSSecurityException("Asymmetric Binding with DerivedKeys under X509Token Policy Not Yet Supported");
            } else if ( PolicyTypeUtil.symmetricKeyBinding(originalKeyBinding)) {
                SymmetricKeyBinding skb = null;
                if ( context.getSymmetricKeyBinding() != null) {
                    skb = context.getSymmetricKeyBinding();
                } else{
                    skb = (SymmetricKeyBinding)originalKeyBinding;
                    String ekSha1Ref = getEKSHA1Ref(context);
                    //Construct a derivedKeyToken to be used
                    originalKey = skb.getSecretKey();
                    byte[] secret = originalKey.getEncoded();
                    DerivedKeyToken dkt = new DerivedKeyTokenImpl(offset, length, secret);
                    String dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                    String nonce = Base64.encode(dkt.getNonce());
                    //get the symmetric key for encryption key from derivedkeyToken
                        String jceAlgo = SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(algorithm);
                        _symmetricKey = dkt.generateSymmetricKey(jceAlgo);
                    } catch(Exception e){
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1216.unableto.get.symmetrickey.Encryption");
                        throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
                    //STR for DerivedKeyToken
                    SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    EncryptedKeySHA1Identifier refElem = new EncryptedKeySHA1Identifier(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    //set the wsse11:TokenType attribute as required by WSS 1.1
                    //TODO: uncomment this once MS is ready to accpet this
                    dktHeadrBlock =
                            new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(_secHeader.getOwnerDocument(), tokenRef, nonce, dkt.getOffset(), dkt.getLength() ,dktId);
                    //Construct the STR for Encryption
                    DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                    ekTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                } else if(wss11Sender || wss10){
                    dktSender = true;
                    originalKey = skb.getSecretKey();
                    if ( context.getX509CertificateBinding() != null ) {
                        certificateBinding = context.getX509CertificateBinding();
                        _x509Cert = certificateBinding.getX509Certificate();
                    _x509Cert = certificateBinding.getX509Certificate();
                    referenceType =  certificateBinding.getReferenceType();
                    keyInfoStrategy = KeyInfoStrategy.getInstance(referenceType);
                    _exportCertificate = true;
                    x509TokenId = certificateBinding.getUUID();
                    if(x509TokenId == null || x509TokenId.equals("")){
                        x509TokenId = secureMsg.generateId();
                        log.log(Level.FINEST, "Certificate was "+_x509Cert);
                        log.log(Level.FINEST, "BinaryToken ID "+x509TokenId);
                    HashMap tokenCache = context.getTokenCache();
                    HashMap insertedX509Cache = context.getInsertedX509Cache();
                    SecurityUtil.checkIncludeTokenPolicy(context, certificateBinding, x509TokenId);
                    // ReferenceType adjustment in checkIncludeTokenPolicy is also currently
                    // causing an insertion of the X509 into the Message
                    X509SecurityToken insertedx509 =
                    // this one is used to determine if the whole BST + EK + DKT(opt)
                    // has been inserted by another filter such as Encryption running before
                    X509SecurityToken token = (X509SecurityToken)tokenCache.get(x509TokenId);
                    if(token == null){
                        if (insertedx509 != null) {
                            token = insertedx509;
                            tokenCache.put(x509TokenId, insertedx509);
                        } else {
                            String valueType = certificateBinding.getValueType();
                                //default valueType for X509 as v3
                                valueType = MessageConstants.X509v3_NS;
                            token = new X509SecurityToken(secureMsg.getSOAPPart(),_x509Cert,x509TokenId, valueType);
                            tokenCache.put(x509TokenId, token);
                        //Store SymmetricKey generated in ProcessingContext
                        context.setExtraneousProperty("SecretKey", originalKey);
                    } else{
                        skbX509TokenInserted = true;
                        originalKey = context.getCurrentSecret();
                    if(insertedx509 == null){
                            insertedX509Cache.put(x509TokenId, token);
                            x509TokenElement = secureMsg.findOrCreateSecurityHeader().getNextSiblingOfTimestamp();
                    } else{
                        //x509TokenElement = secureMsg.getElementByWsuId(x509TokenId);
                        x509TokenElement = insertedx509;
                    //Construct a derivedKeyToken to be used
                    byte[] secret = originalKey.getEncoded();
                    DerivedKeyToken dkt = new DerivedKeyTokenImpl(offset, length, secret);
                    String dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                    String nonce = Base64.encode(dkt.getNonce());
                    //get the symmetric key for encryption key from derivedkeyToken
                        String jceAlgo = SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(algorithm);
                        _symmetricKey = dkt.generateSymmetricKey(jceAlgo);
                    } catch(Exception e){
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1216.unableto.get.symmetrickey.Encryption");
                        throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
                    //STR for DerivedKeyToken
                    SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                    //TODO: PLUGFEST Commeting for now as Microsoft setting the EncryptedKey type on reference valueType
                    //set id of encrypted key in STR of DKT
                    insertedEkId = (String)ekCache.get(x509TokenId);
                    if(insertedEkId == null)
                        insertedEkId = ekId;
                    dktHeadrBlock =
                            new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(_secHeader.getOwnerDocument(), tokenRef, nonce, dkt.getOffset(), dkt.getLength(), dktId);
                    //Construct the STR for Encryption
                    DirectReference refEnc = new DirectReference();
                    ekTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
            } else if (PolicyTypeUtil.secureConversationTokenKeyBinding(originalKeyBinding)) {
                sctWithDKT = true;
                SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding sctBinding = (SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding)originalKeyBinding;
                //String sctPolicyId = sctBinding.getPolicyToken().getTokenId();
                String sctPolicyId = sctBinding.getUUID();
                //Look for SCT in TokenCache
                HashMap tokCache = context.getTokenCache();
                sct = (SecurityContextTokenImpl)tokCache.get(sctPolicyId);
                IssuedTokenContext ictx = context.getSecureConversationContext();
                if (sct == null) {
                    SecurityContextToken sct1 =(SecurityContextToken)ictx.getSecurityToken();
                    if (sct1 == null) {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1221.null.SecureConversationToken");
                        throw new XWSSecurityException("SecureConversation Token not Found");
                    sct = new SecurityContextTokenImpl(
                            secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), sct1.getIdentifier().toString(), sct1.getInstance(), sct1.getWsuId(), sct1.getExtElements());
                    // put back in token cache
                    tokCache.put(sctPolicyId, sct);
                } else {
                    sctTokenInserted = true;
                    // record the element
                    sctElement = secureMessage.getElementByWsuId(sct.getWsuId());
                String sctWsuId = sct.getWsuId();
                if (sctWsuId == null) {
                sctWsuId = sct.getWsuId();
                byte[] secret =  context.getSecureConversationContext().getProofKey();
                DerivedKeyToken dkt = new DerivedKeyTokenImpl(offset, length, secret);
                String dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                String nonce = Base64.encode(dkt.getNonce());
                //get the symmetric key for encryption key from derivedkeyToken
                    _symmetricKey = dkt.generateSymmetricKey(SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(dataEncAlgo));
                } catch(Exception e){
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1216.unableto.get.symmetrickey.Encryption");
                    throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
                //STR for DerivedKeyToken
                SecurityTokenReference secRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                DirectReference reference = new DirectReference();
                if (SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(sctBinding.getIncludeToken()) ||
                        SecureConversationTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(sctBinding.getIncludeToken())) {
                    reference.setURI("#" + sctWsuId);
                } else {
                    includeSCT = false;
                    reference.setSCTURI(sct.getIdentifier().toString(), sct.getInstance());
                dktHeadrBlock =
                        new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(_secHeader.getOwnerDocument(), secRef, nonce, dkt.getOffset(), dkt.getLength(),dktId);
                //Construct the STR for Encryption
                DirectReference refEnc = new DirectReference();
                dktSctTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
            } else if (PolicyTypeUtil.issuedTokenKeyBinding(originalKeyBinding)) {
                issuedWithDKT = true;
                IssuedTokenContext trustContext =  context.getTrustContext();
                DerivedKeyToken dkt = new DerivedKeyTokenImpl(offset, length, trustContext.getProofKey());
                String dktId = secureMessage.generateId();
                String nonce = Base64.encode(dkt.getNonce());
                //get the symmetric key for encryption
                Key origKey = null;
                    origKey = new SecretKeySpec(trustContext.getProofKey(), SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(dataEncAlgo));
                } catch(Exception e){
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1216.unableto.get.symmetrickey.Encryption");
                    throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
                //get the symmetric key for encryption key from derivedkeyToken
                    _symmetricKey = dkt.generateSymmetricKey(SecurityUtil.getSecretKeyAlgorithm(dataEncAlgo));
                } catch(Exception e){
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1216.unableto.get.symmetrickey.Encryption");
                    throw new XWSSecurityException(e);
                //Get the IssuedToken and insert it into the message
                GenericToken issuedToken = (GenericToken)trustContext.getSecurityToken();
                // check if the token is already present
                IssuedTokenKeyBinding ikb = (IssuedTokenKeyBinding)originalKeyBinding;
                //String ikbPolicyId = ikb.getPolicyToken().getTokenId();
                String ikbPolicyId = ikb.getUUID();
                //Look for TrustToken in TokenCache
                HashMap tokCache = context.getTokenCache();
                Object tok = tokCache.get(ikbPolicyId);
                SecurityTokenReference str = null;
                Element strElem = null;
                String tokenVersion = ikb.getIncludeToken();
                includeIST = (IssuedTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(tokenVersion) ||
                          IssuedTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(tokenVersion) ||
                          IssuedTokenKeyBinding.INCLUDE_ALWAYS_VER2.equals(tokenVersion) ||
                if (includeIST && (issuedToken == null)) {
                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1217.null.IssueToken");
                    throw new XWSSecurityException("Issued Token to be inserted into the Message was Null");
                if (issuedToken != null) {
                    // treat the token as an Opaque entity and just insert the token into message
                    Element elem = (Element)issuedToken.getTokenValue();
                    //TODO: remove these expensive conversions DOM Imports
                    if (tok == null) {
                        issuedTokenElement = XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), elem);
                        //Temp FIX for Issue#26: We need an Id to cache and MS not sending Id in some cases
                        String tokId = issuedTokenElement.getAttribute("Id");
                        if ("".equals(tokId) &&
                                MessageConstants.ENCRYPTED_DATA_LNAME.equals(issuedTokenElement.getLocalName())) {
                            issuedTokenElement.setAttribute("Id", secureMessage.generateId());
                        tokCache.put(ikbPolicyId, issuedTokenElement);
                    } else {
                        issuedTokenInserted = true;
                        // it will be SOAPElement retrieve its wsuId attr
                        String wsuId = SecurityUtil.getWsuIdOrId((Element)tok);
                        issuedTokenElementFromMsg = secureMessage.getElementById(wsuId);
                        if (issuedTokenElementFromMsg == null) {
                            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1218.unableto.locate.IssueToken.Message");
                            throw new XWSSecurityException("Could not locate Issued Token in Message");
                if (includeIST) {
                    if (trustContext.getAttachedSecurityTokenReference() != null) {
                        strElem = (Element)trustContext.getAttachedSecurityTokenReference().getTokenValue();
                    } else {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1219.unableto.refer.Attached.IssueToken");
                        throw new XWSSecurityException("Cannot determine how to reference the Attached Issued Token in the Message");
                } else {
                    //Trust Issued Token should not be in message at all, so use an external reference
                    if (trustContext.getUnAttachedSecurityTokenReference() != null) {
                        strElem = (Element)trustContext.getUnAttachedSecurityTokenReference().getTokenValue();
                    } else {
                        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1220.unableto.refer.Un-Attached.IssueToken");
                        throw new XWSSecurityException("Cannot determine how to reference the Un-Attached Issued Token in the Message");
                //TODO: remove these expensive conversions
                Element imported = (Element)secureMessage.getSOAPPart().importNode(strElem,true);
                str = new SecurityTokenReference(
                        XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement(secureMessage.getSOAPPart(), (Element)imported.cloneNode(true)), false);
                if (origKey != null) {
                    SecurityUtil.updateSamlVsKeyCache(str, context, origKey);
                dktHeadrBlock =
                        new DerivedKeyTokenHeaderBlock(_secHeader.getOwnerDocument(), str, nonce, dkt.getOffset(), dkt.getLength(),dktId);
                //Construct the STR for Encryption
                DirectReference refEnc = new DirectReference();
                dktIssuedTokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
        } else {
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1222.unsupported.KeyBinding.EncryptionPolicy");
            throw new XWSSecurityException("Unsupported Key Binding for EncryptionPolicy");
        XMLCipher _keyEncryptor = null;
        XMLCipher _dataEncryptor = null;
        Cipher _attachmentEncryptor = null;
        try {
            // lazy n static instantiation can happen
            //TODO :: Algorithms -- Venu
                log.log(Level.FINEST, "KeyEncryption algorithm is "+keyEncAlgo);
            if (_x509Cert != null) {
                //prepare for keytransport
                _keyEncryptor = XMLCipher.getInstance(keyEncAlgo);
                _keyEncryptor.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, _x509Cert.getPublicKey());
            } else if (samlkey != null) {
                //prepare for keytransport
                _keyEncryptor = XMLCipher.getInstance(keyEncAlgo);
                _keyEncryptor.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, samlkey);
            }else if( keyEncSK != null){
                //prepare for keywrap
                _keyEncryptor = XMLCipher.getInstance(keyEncAlgo);
                _keyEncryptor.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, keyEncSK);
                log.log(Level.FINEST, "Data encryption algorithm is "+dataEncAlgo);
            String dataAlgorithm =  JCEMapper.translateURItoJCEID(dataEncAlgo);
            _dataEncryptor = XMLCipher.getInstance(dataEncAlgo);
            _dataEncryptor.init(XMLCipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, _symmetricKey);
        } catch (Exception xee) {
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1205.unableto.initialize.xml.cipher",xee);
            throw new XWSSecurityException(
                    "Unable to initialize XML Cipher", xee);
        ArrayList targets =  featureBinding.getTargetBindings();
        ArrayList _aparts = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList _dnodes = new ArrayList();
        Iterator i = targets.iterator();
        //TODO : remove all  the three while loops and
        //convert to a 2 loop - Venu
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            EncryptionTarget target = (EncryptionTarget);
            boolean contentOnly = target.getContentOnly();
            Boolean cOnly = Boolean.valueOf(contentOnly);
                Iterator itr = secureMsg.getAttachments();
                    AttachmentPart ap = (AttachmentPart);
                    Object[] s = new Object[2];
                    s[0] = ap;
                    s[1] = cOnly;
            Object mgpart = secureMsg.getMessageParts(target);
            //Change this to context.
            //TODO :: Venu
            ArrayList transforms = target.getCipherReferenceTransforms();
            if(mgpart == null){
            } else if (mgpart instanceof AttachmentPart) {
                Object[] s = new Object[2];
                s[0] = mgpart;
                s[1] = cOnly;
            } else{
                if (mgpart instanceof Node) {
                    Object[] s = new Object[2];
                    s[0] = mgpart;
                    s[1] = cOnly;
                } else if (mgpart instanceof NodeList) {
                    for (int j=0; j<((NodeList)mgpart).getLength(); j++) {
                        Object[] s = new Object[2];
                        Node n = ((NodeList)mgpart).item(j);
                        s[0] = n;
                        s[1] = cOnly;
        if (_dnodes.isEmpty() && _aparts.isEmpty()) {
                log.log(Level.WARNING, "None of the specified Encryption Parts found in the Message");
        EncryptedKey _encryptedKey = null;
        ReferenceListHeaderBlock _ekReferenceList = null;
        ReferenceListHeaderBlock _standaloneReferenceList = null;
        if (_keyEncryptor != null && !skbX509TokenInserted) {
            try {
                    _encryptedKey = _keyEncryptor.encryptKey(secureMsg.getSOAPPart(), _symmetricKey);
                } else{
                    _encryptedKey = _keyEncryptor.encryptKey(secureMsg.getSOAPPart(), originalKey);
                ekCache.put(x509TokenId, ekId);
                KeyInfoHeaderBlock keyInfoBlock = new KeyInfoHeaderBlock(secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
                if (samlTokenRef != null) {
                } else if(_x509Cert != null){
                    keyInfoStrategy.insertKey(keyInfoBlock, secureMsg, x509TokenId);
                }else if(keyEncSK != null){
                    //keyInfoStrategy.insertKey(keyInfoBlock, secureMsg,null);
                KeyInfo keyInfo = keyInfoBlock.getKeyInfo(); /*new KeyInfo(keyInfoBlock.getAsSoapElement(), null); */
            } catch (Exception xe) {
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1223.unableto.set.KeyInfo.EncryptedKey", xe);
                throw new XWSSecurityException(xe);
        if (_encryptedKey != null && !dktSender && !useStandaloneRefList){
            _ekReferenceList = new ReferenceListHeaderBlock(secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
        // process APs - push only EDs (create EDs), modify AP headers/content
        //When encrypting content and attachments with the same key process attachments first.
        //SWA Spec.
        SOAPElement x509Sibling = null;
        if(x509TokenElement != null){
            x509Sibling = (SOAPElement)x509TokenElement.getNextSibling();
        Iterator _apartsI = _aparts.iterator();
            //We have attachments so get the cipher instances.
                //_attachmentEncryptor = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/ISO10126Padding");
                //TODO:GETMAP -venu
                _attachmentEncryptor = XMLCipherAdapter.constructCipher(dataEncAlgo);
                _attachmentEncryptor.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, _symmetricKey);
            } catch (Exception xee) {
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "WSS1205.unableto.initialize.xml.cipher", xee);
                throw new XWSSecurityException(
                        "Unable to initialize XML Cipher", xee);
        while (_apartsI.hasNext()) {
            Object[] s = (Object[]);
            AttachmentPart p = (AttachmentPart)s[0];
            boolean b = ((Boolean)s[1]).booleanValue();
            // create n push an ED
            EncryptedDataHeaderBlock edhb = new EncryptedDataHeaderBlock();
            String id = secureMsg.generateId();
            edhb.setType( (b ?  MessageConstants.ATTACHMENT_CONTENT_ONLY_URI : MessageConstants.ATTACHMENT_COMPLETE_URI));
            String uri = p.getContentId();
            if (uri != null) {
                if ( uri.charAt(0) == '<' && uri.charAt(uri.length()-1) == '>'){
                    uri = "cid:" + uri.substring(1, uri.length()-1);
                    uri = "cid:" + uri;
            } else {
                uri = p.getContentLocation();
            edhb.getCipherReference(true, uri);
            encryptAttachment(p, b, _attachmentEncryptor);
            if (_ekReferenceList != null){
            if(x509Sibling == null && x509TokenElement == null){
                if(x509Sibling != null){
        int optType = -1;
        Iterator _dnodeI = _dnodes.iterator();
        while (_dnodeI.hasNext()) {
            Object[] s = (Object[]);
            Node     n = (Node)s[0];
            boolean  b = ((Boolean)s[1]).booleanValue();
            //TODO :Add Transforms here.
            Element ed = null;
            boolean _fi = false;
            if(context.getConfigType() == MessageConstants.SIGN_ENCRYPT_BODY ){
                    ed = encryptBodyContent(secureMsg,context.getCanonicalizedData(),_dataEncryptor);
                    signEncrypt(context, null,_ekReferenceList,_standaloneReferenceList,keyInfoStrategy, dataEncAlgo);
                if(n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE){
                    ed = encryptElement(secureMsg, (SOAPElement) n.getParentNode(),true, _dataEncryptor);
                    ed = encryptElement(secureMsg, (SOAPElement)n, b, _dataEncryptor);
            EncryptedHeaderBlock ehb = null;
            boolean isEhb = false;
            EncryptedDataHeaderBlock xencEncryptedData = new EncryptedDataHeaderBlock(
                    XMLUtil.convertToSoapElement( secureMsg.getSOAPPart(), ed));
            String xencEncryptedDataId = secureMsg.generateId();
            String xencEncryptedDataRef = "#" + xencEncryptedDataId;
            if(ed.getParentNode() instanceof SOAPHeader && wss11Sender){
                isEhb = true;
                ehb = new EncryptedHeaderBlock(secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
                ehb.copyAttributes(secureMsg, _secHeader);
            if (_ekReferenceList != null){
            }else {
                if (_standaloneReferenceList == null){
                    _standaloneReferenceList = new ReferenceListHeaderBlock(secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
                KeyInfoHeaderBlock keyInfoBlock = new KeyInfoHeaderBlock(secureMsg.getSOAPPart());
                SecurityTokenReference cloned = null;
                if (dktSctTokenRef != null) {
                    cloned = new SecurityTokenReference((SOAPElement)dktSctTokenRef.cloneNode(true));
                } else if (secConvRef != null) {
                    cloned = new SecurityTokenReference((SOAPElement)secConvRef.cloneNode(true));
                } else if(ekTokenRef != null){
                    cloned = new SecurityTokenReference((SOAPElement)ekTokenRef.cloneNode(true));
                } else if (dktIssuedTokenRef != null) {
                    cloned = new SecurityTokenReference((SOAPElement)dktIssuedTokenRef.cloneNode(true));
                } else if (issuedTokenRef != null) {
                    cloned = new SecurityTokenReference((SOAPElement)issuedTokenRef.cloneNode(true));
                } else {
                    if (PolicyTypeUtil.x509CertificateBinding(keyBinding)){
                        //to handle EncryptBeforeSigning we split EK and RefList even in this case
                        DirectReference dRef = new DirectReference();
                        ekDirectRef = new SecurityTokenReference(secureMessage.getSOAPPart());
                    }else {
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        String name = element.getLocalName();
        if (name.equals("KeyIdentifier"))
            return getKeyIdentifier(element, isBSP);
        else if (name.equals("Reference"))
            return new DirectReference(element, isBSP);
        else if (name.equals("X509Data"))
            return new X509IssuerSerial(element);
        else if (isBSP && name.equals("KeyName")) {
            throw new XWSSecurityException("Violation of BSP R3027:" +
                    " A SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE MUST NOT use a Key Name to reference a SECURITY_TOKEN." +
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    public void insertKey(
        SecurityTokenReference tokenRef, SecurableSoapMessage secureMsg)
        throws XWSSecurityException {
        DirectReference ref = getDirectReference(secureMsg, null, null);
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        String x509TokenId)
        throws XWSSecurityException {

        Document ownerDoc = keyInfo.getOwnerDocument();
        SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(ownerDoc);
        DirectReference ref = getDirectReference(secureMsg, x509TokenId, null);
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   String x509TokenId, String valueType)
   throws XWSSecurityException {

         Document ownerDoc = keyInfo.getOwnerDocument();
         SecurityTokenReference tokenRef = new SecurityTokenReference(ownerDoc);
         DirectReference ref = getDirectReference(secureMsg, x509TokenId, valueType);
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    private DirectReference getDirectReference(
        SecurableSoapMessage secureMsg,
        String x509TokenId, String valueType)
        throws XWSSecurityException {

        DirectReference ref = new DirectReference();

        if (samlAssertionId != null) {
            String uri = "#" + samlAssertionId;
        } else  {
            // create a certificate token
            if (cert == null) {
                        LogStringsMessages.WSS_0185_FILTERPARAMETER_NOT_SET( "subjectkeyidentifier"),
                        new Object[] { "subjectkeyidentifier"});
                throw new XWSSecurityException(
                        "No certificate specified and no default found.");
            if(x509TokenId == null){
                throw new XWSSecurityException("WSU ID is null");
            String uri = "#" + x509TokenId;
                valueType = MessageConstants.X509v3_NS;
        return ref;
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Related Classes of com.sun.xml.wss.core.reference.DirectReference

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