
Examples of

        // two concrete or abstract WSDLs
        SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = findPrimary(docList);

        InvokerTube terminal;
        WSDLPortImpl wsdlPort = null;
        AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel = null;
        // create WSDL model
        if (primaryDoc != null) {
            wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container);

        WebServiceFeatureList features=((BindingImpl)binding).getFeatures();
        PolicyMap policyMap = null;
        // create terminal pipe that invokes the application
        if (implType.getAnnotation(WebServiceProvider.class)!=null) {
            //TODO incase of Provider, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
            // ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.

            //Even in case of Provider, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
            Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFtrs;
            if(wsdlPort != null) {
                 policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
                 //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
                configFtrs = wsdlPort.getFeatures();
            } else {
                //No WSDL, so try to merge features from Policy configuration
                policyMap = PolicyResolverFactory.create().resolve(
                        new PolicyResolver.ServerContext(null, container, implType, false));
                configFtrs = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap,serviceName,portName);
            features.mergeFeatures(configFtrs, true);
            terminal = ProviderInvokerTube.create(implType,binding,invoker);
        } else {
            // Create runtime model for non Provider endpoints
            seiModel = createSEIModel(wsdlPort, implType, serviceName, portName, binding);
            if(binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl){
                //set portKnownHeaders on Binding, so that they can be used for MU processing
            // Generate WSDL for SEI endpoints(not for Provider endpoints)
            if (primaryDoc == null) {
                primaryDoc = generateWSDL(binding, seiModel, docList, container, implType);
                // create WSDL model
                wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container);
            policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
            // New Features might have been added in WSDL through Policy.
            //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
            // This sets only the wsdl features that are not already set(enabled/disabled)
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        // two concrete or abstract WSDLs
        SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = primaryWsdl != null ? SDDocumentImpl.create(primaryWsdl,serviceName,portTypeName) : findPrimary(docList);

        EndpointAwareTube terminal;
        WSDLPort wsdlPort = null;
        AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel = null;
        // create WSDL model
        if (primaryDoc != null) {
            wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);

        WebServiceFeatureList features=((BindingImpl)binding).getFeatures();
        if (isStandard) {
        PolicyMap policyMap = null;
        // create terminal pipe that invokes the application
        if (isUseProviderTube(implType, isStandard)) {
            //TODO incase of Provider, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
            // ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.

            //Even in case of Provider, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
            Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFtrs;
            if(wsdlPort != null) {
                 policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
                 //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
                configFtrs = wsdlPort.getFeatures();
            } else {
                //No WSDL, so try to merge features from Policy configuration
                policyMap = PolicyResolverFactory.create().resolve(
                        new PolicyResolver.ServerContext(null, container, implType, false));
                configFtrs = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap,serviceName,portName);
            features.mergeFeatures(configFtrs, true);
            terminal = createProviderInvokerTube(implType, binding, invoker, container);
        } else {
            // Create runtime model for non Provider endpoints
            seiModel = createSEIModel(wsdlPort, implType, serviceName, portName, binding, primaryDoc);
            if(binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl){
                //set portKnownHeaders on Binding, so that they can be used for MU processing
            // Generate WSDL for SEI endpoints(not for Provider endpoints)
            if (primaryDoc == null) {
                primaryDoc = generateWSDL(binding, seiModel, docList, container, implType);
                // create WSDL model
                wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);
            policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
            // New Features might have been added in WSDL through Policy.
            //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
            // This sets only the wsdl features that are not already set(enabled/disabled)
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            WebServiceFeatureList wsfeatures = new WebServiceFeatureList(endpointClass);
            RuntimeModeler rtModeler = new RuntimeModeler(endpointClass, options.serviceName, bindingID, wsfeatures.toArray());
            if (options.portName != null)
            AbstractSEIModelImpl rtModel = rtModeler.buildRuntimeModel();

            final File[] wsdlFileName = new File[1]; // used to capture the generated WSDL file.
            final Map<String,File> schemaFiles = new HashMap<String,File>();

            WSDLGenerator wsdlGenerator = new WSDLGenerator(rtModel,
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    private SEIPortInfo createSEIPortInfo(QName portName, Class portInterface, WebServiceFeature... features) {
        WSDLPortImpl wsdlPort = getPortModel(wsdlService, portName);
        RuntimeModeler modeler = new RuntimeModeler(portInterface, serviceName, wsdlPort, features);
        AbstractSEIModelImpl model = modeler.buildRuntimeModel();
        return new SEIPortInfo(this, portInterface, (SOAPSEIModel) model, wsdlPort);
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            RuntimeModeler rtModeler = new RuntimeModeler(endpointClass, options.serviceName, bindingID);
            if (options.portName != null)
            AbstractSEIModelImpl rtModel = rtModeler.buildRuntimeModel();

            final File[] wsdlFileName = new File[1]; // used to capture the generated WSDL file.
            final Map<String,File> schemaFiles = new HashMap<String,File>();
            WebServiceFeatureList wsfeatures = new WebServiceFeatureList(endpointClass);
            WSDLGenerator wsdlGenerator = new WSDLGenerator(rtModel,
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        // two concrete or abstract WSDLs
        SDDocumentImpl primaryDoc = primaryWsdl != null ? SDDocumentImpl.create(primaryWsdl,serviceName,portTypeName) : findPrimary(docList);

        EndpointAwareTube terminal;
        WSDLPort wsdlPort = null;
        AbstractSEIModelImpl seiModel = null;
        // create WSDL model
        if (primaryDoc != null) {
            wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);

        WebServiceFeatureList features=((BindingImpl)binding).getFeatures();
        if (isStandard) {
        PolicyMap policyMap = null;
        // create terminal pipe that invokes the application
        if (isUseProviderTube(implType, isStandard)) {
            //TODO incase of Provider, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
            // ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.

            //Even in case of Provider, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
            Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFtrs;
            if(wsdlPort != null) {
                 policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
                 //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
                configFtrs = wsdlPort.getFeatures();
            } else {
                //No WSDL, so try to merge features from Policy configuration
                policyMap = PolicyResolverFactory.create().resolve(
                        new PolicyResolver.ServerContext(null, container, implType, false));
                configFtrs = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap,serviceName,portName);
            features.mergeFeatures(configFtrs, true);
            terminal = createProviderInvokerTube(implType, binding, invoker, container);
        } else {
            // Create runtime model for non Provider endpoints
            seiModel = createSEIModel(wsdlPort, implType, serviceName, portName, binding, primaryDoc);
            if(binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl){
                //set portKnownHeaders on Binding, so that they can be used for MU processing
            // Generate WSDL for SEI endpoints(not for Provider endpoints)
            if (primaryDoc == null) {
                primaryDoc = generateWSDL(binding, seiModel, docList, container, implType);
                // create WSDL model
                wsdlPort = getWSDLPort(primaryDoc, docList, serviceName, portName, container, resolver);
            policyMap = wsdlPort.getOwner().getParent().getPolicyMap();
            // New Features might have been added in WSDL through Policy.
            //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
            // This sets only the wsdl features that are not already set(enabled/disabled)
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