* The SOAP version of the message. Must not be null.
public static Message createUsingPayload(Source payload, SOAPVersion ver) {
if (payload instanceof DOMSource) {
if (((DOMSource)payload).getNode() == null) {
return new EmptyMessageImpl(ver);
} else if (payload instanceof StreamSource) {
StreamSource ss = (StreamSource)payload;
if (ss.getInputStream() == null && ss.getReader() == null && ss.getSystemId() == null) {
return new EmptyMessageImpl(ver);
} else if (payload instanceof SAXSource) {
SAXSource ss = (SAXSource)payload;
if (ss.getInputSource() == null && ss.getXMLReader() == null) {
return new EmptyMessageImpl(ver);
return new PayloadSourceMessage(payload, ver);