JAX-WS uses JAXB to perform databinding when you use the service endpoint interface, and normally the JAX-WS RI drives JAXB and creates a necessary {@link JAXBContext} automatically.
This annotation is a JAX-WS RI vendor-specific feature, which lets applications create {@link JAXBRIContext}(which is the JAXB RI's {@link JAXBContext} implementation.)Combined with the JAXB RI vendor extensions defined in {@link JAXBRIContext}, appliation can use this to fine-tune how the databinding happens, such as by adding more classes to the binding context, by controlling the namespace mappings, and so on.
Applications should either use {@link UsesJAXBContextFeature} or {@link UsesJAXBContext} to instructthe JAX-WS runtime to use a custom factory. @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi @since 2.1.5