Package com.sun.xacml

Examples of com.sun.xacml.Rule

    return createRule(null);
  public Rule createRule(URI id)
    final URI useId = (id == null) ? getId() : id;
    return new Rule(useId, effect, getDescription(), getTarget().getTarget(), condition.getCondition());
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  public static Policy createDefaultPolicy(String policyID)
    final Target emptyTarget = createEmptyTarget();
    final RuleCombiningAlgorithm alg = new OrderedPermitOverridesRuleAlg();
    final Rule denyEverythingRule = createDefaultRule("DenyAll");
    final List<Rule> rules = Collections.singletonList(denyEverythingRule);
    return new Policy(URI.create(policyID), alg, DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION, emptyTarget, rules);
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      newId = base + Integer.toString(i);
    return newId;
  public static Rule createDefaultRule(String id)
    return new Rule(URI.create(id), Result.DECISION_DENY, DEFAULT_RULE_DESCRIPTION, null, null);
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  private void newRule()
    if(contextNode instanceof PolicyNode)
      final PolicyNode node = (PolicyNode)contextNode;
      final Rule rule = XACMLEditor.createDefaultRule(node);
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        boolean atLeastOneDeny = false;
        Result firstIndeterminateResult = null;
        Iterator<? extends CombinerElement> it = ruleElements.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (;
            Result result = rule.evaluate(context);
            int value = result.getDecision();

            // if there was a value of PERMIT, then regardless of what
            // else we've seen, we always return PERMIT
            if (value == Result.DECISION_PERMIT)
                return result;

            // if it was INDETERMINATE, then we couldn't figure something
            // out, so we keep track of these cases...
            if (value == Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE) {
                atLeastOneError = true;

                // there are no rules about what to do if multiple cases
                // cause errors, so we'll just return the first one
                if (firstIndeterminateResult == null)
                    firstIndeterminateResult = result;

                // if the Rule's effect is PERMIT, then we can't let this
                // alg return DENY, since this Rule might have permitted
                // if it could do its stuff
                if (rule.getEffect() == Result.DECISION_PERMIT)
                    potentialPermit = true;
            } else {
                // keep track of whether we had at least one rule that
                // actually pertained to the request
                if (value == Result.DECISION_DENY)
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        boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
        Result firstIndeterminateResult = null;
        Iterator<? extends CombinerElement> it = ruleElements.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (;
            Result result = rule.evaluate(context);
            int value = result.getDecision();

            // if there was a value of DENY, then regardless of what else
            // we've seen, we always return DENY
            if (value == Result.DECISION_DENY)
                return result;

            // if it was INDETERMINATE, then we couldn't figure something
            // out, so we keep track of these cases...
            if (value == Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE) {
                atLeastOneError = true;

                // there are no rules about what to do if multiple cases
                // cause errors, so we'll just return the first one
                if (firstIndeterminateResult == null)
                    firstIndeterminateResult = result;

                // if the Rule's effect is DENY, then we can't let this
                // alg return PERMIT, since this Rule might have denied
                // if it could do its stuff
                if (rule.getEffect() == Result.DECISION_DENY)
                    potentialDeny = true;
            } else {
                // keep track of whether we had at least one rule that
                // actually pertained to the request
                if (value == Result.DECISION_PERMIT)
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    public Result combine(EvaluationCtx context, List<CombinerParameter> parameters,
            List<? extends CombinerElement> ruleElements) {
        Iterator<? extends CombinerElement> it = ruleElements.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (;
            Result result = rule.evaluate(context);
            int value = result.getDecision();

            // in the case of PERMIT, DENY, or INDETERMINATE, we always
            // just return that result, so only on a rule that doesn't
            // apply do we keep going...
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            + File.separator;

    protected static String RESOURCE_ZIP = "src/test/resources/";

    public static GeometryAttribute getGeometryAttribute(AbstractPolicy p) {
        Rule rule = (Rule) p.getChildren().get(0);
        Apply apply = (Apply) rule.getCondition().getChildren().get(0);
        GeometryAttribute attr = (GeometryAttribute) apply.getChildren().get(1);
        return attr;
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