* This parameter can be null, in that case it would be an error
* if a name is not given by the customization.
private CElement allow( XSComponent component, String defaultBaseName ) {
BindInfo bindInfo = builder.getBindInfo(component);
BIClass decl=bindInfo.get(BIClass.class);
if(decl==null) return null;
// first consider binding to the class reference.
String ref = decl.getExistingClassRef();
if(ref!=null) {
if(!JJavaName.isFullyQualifiedClassName(ref)) {
Ring.get(ErrorReceiver.class).error( decl.getLocation(),
Messages.format(Messages.ERR_INCORRECT_CLASS_NAME,ref) );
// recover by ignoring @ref
} else {
if(component instanceof XSComplexType) {
// since we are not going to bind this complex type, we need to figure out
// its binding mode without actually binding it (and also expose this otherwise
// hidden mechanism into this part of the code.)
// this code is potentially dangerous as the base class might have been bound
// in different ways. To be correct, we need to figure out how the content type
// would have been bound, from the schema.
(XSComplexType)component, ComplexTypeBindingMode.NORMAL
return new CClassRef(model, component, decl, bindInfo.toCustomizationList() );
String clsName = decl.getClassName();
if(clsName==null) {
// if the customiztion doesn't give us a name, derive one
// from the current component.
if( defaultBaseName==null ) {
Ring.get(ErrorReceiver.class).error( decl.getLocation(),
Messages.format(Messages.ERR_CLASS_NAME_IS_REQUIRED) );
// recover by generating a pseudo-random name
defaultBaseName = "undefined"+component.hashCode();
clsName = builder.deriveName( defaultBaseName, component );
} else {
if( !JJavaName.isJavaIdentifier(clsName) ) {
// not a valid Java class name
Ring.get(ErrorReceiver.class).error( decl.getLocation(),
Messages.format( Messages.ERR_INCORRECT_CLASS_NAME, clsName ));
// recover by a dummy name
clsName = "Undefined"+component.hashCode();
QName typeName = null;
QName elementName = null;
if(component instanceof XSType) {
XSType t = (XSType) component;
typeName = getName(t);
if (component instanceof XSElementDecl) {
XSElementDecl e = (XSElementDecl) component;
elementName = getName(e);
if (component instanceof XSElementDecl && !isCollapsable((XSElementDecl)component)) {
XSElementDecl e = ((XSElementDecl)component);
CElementInfo cei = new CElementInfo(model, elementName,
selector.getClassScope(), clsName,
bindInfo.toCustomizationList(), decl.getLocation() );
stb.refererStack.push(component); // referer is element
return cei;
// TODO: support javadoc and userSpecifiedImplClass
} else {
CClassInfo bt = new CClassInfo(model,selector.getClassScope(),
clsName, decl.getLocation(), typeName, elementName, component, bindInfo.toCustomizationList() );
// set javadoc class comment.
if(decl.getJavadoc()!=null )
bt.javadoc = decl.getJavadoc()+"\n\n";
// add extra blank lines so that the schema fragment
// and user-specified javadoc would be separated
// if the implClass is given, set it to ClassItem
String implClass = decl.getUserSpecifiedImplClass();
if( implClass!=null )
bt.setUserSpecifiedImplClass( implClass );
return bt;