return searchResult;
private ClassDoc searchClass(String className) {
Names names = tsym.name.table.names;
// search by qualified name first
ClassDoc cd = env.lookupClass(className);
if (cd != null) {
return cd;
// search inner classes
//### Add private entry point to avoid creating array?
//### Replicate code in innerClasses here to avoid consing?
for (ClassDoc icd : innerClasses()) {
if (icd.name().equals(className) ||
//### This is from original javadoc but it looks suspicious to me...
//### I believe it is attempting to compensate for the confused
//### convention of including the nested class qualifiers in the
//### 'name' of the inner class, rather than the true simple name.
icd.name().endsWith("." + className)) {
return icd;
} else {
ClassDoc innercd = ((ClassDocImpl) icd).searchClass(className);
if (innercd != null) {
return innercd;
// check in this package
cd = containingPackage().findClass(className);
if (cd != null) {
return cd;
// make sure that this symbol has been completed
if (tsym.completer != null) {
// search imports
if (tsym.sourcefile != null) {
//### This information is available only for source classes.
Env<AttrContext> compenv = env.enter.getEnv(tsym);
if (compenv == null) return null;
Scope s = compenv.toplevel.namedImportScope;
for (Scope.Entry e = s.lookup(names.fromString(className)); e.scope != null; e = e.next()) {
if (e.sym.kind == Kinds.TYP) {
ClassDoc c = env.getClassDoc((ClassSymbol)e.sym);
return c;
s = compenv.toplevel.starImportScope;
for (Scope.Entry e = s.lookup(names.fromString(className)); e.scope != null; e = e.next()) {
if (e.sym.kind == Kinds.TYP) {
ClassDoc c = env.getClassDoc((ClassSymbol)e.sym);
return c;