
Examples of

     * @param helper an {@code OptionHelper} to help when processing options
     * @return an array of options
    public static Option[] getAll(final OptionHelper helper) {
        return new Option[] {
        new Option(G,                                           "opt.g"),
        new Option(G_NONE,                                      "opt.g.none") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-g:", "none");
                return false;

        new Option(G_CUSTOM,                                    "opt.g.lines.vars.source",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ANYOF, "lines", "vars", "source"),

        new XOption(XLINT,                                      "opt.Xlint"),
        new XOption(XLINT_CUSTOM,                               "opt.Xlint.suboptlist",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ANYOF, getXLintChoices()),

        // -nowarn is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(NOWARN,                                      "opt.nowarn") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-Xlint:none", option);
                return false;

        new Option(VERBOSE,                                     "opt.verbose"),

        // -deprecation is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(DEPRECATION,                                 "opt.deprecation") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-Xlint:deprecation", option);
                return false;

        new Option(CLASSPATH,              "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath"),
        new Option(CP,                     "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-classpath", arg);
        new Option(SOURCEPATH,             "opt.arg.path",      "opt.sourcepath"),
        new Option(BOOTCLASSPATH,          "opt.arg.path",      "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, option, arg);
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_PREPEND,"opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.p"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_APPEND, "opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.a"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH,        "opt.arg.path", "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-bootclasspath", arg);
        new Option(EXTDIRS,                "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_EXT_DIRS,        "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-extdirs", arg);
        new Option(ENDORSEDDIRS,            "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS,    "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-endorseddirs", arg);
        new Option(PROC,                                 "opt.proc.none.only",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "none", "only"),
        new Option(PROCESSOR,           "opt.arg.class.list",   "opt.processor"),
        new Option(PROCESSORPATH,       "opt.arg.path",         "opt.processorpath"),
        new Option(D,                   "",    "opt.d"),
        new Option(S,                   "",    "opt.sourceDest"),
        new Option(IMPLICIT,                                    "opt.implicit",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "none", "class"),
        new Option(ENCODING,            "opt.arg.encoding",     "opt.encoding"),
        new Option(SOURCE,              "opt.arg.release",      "opt.source") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Source source = Source.lookup(operand);
                if (source == null) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.source", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(TARGET,              "opt.arg.release",      "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Target target = Target.lookup(operand);
                if (target == null) {
                    helper.error("", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(VERSION,                                     "opt.version") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(FULLVERSION) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(DIAGS) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Option xd = getOptions(helper, EnumSet.of(XD))[0];
                option = option.substring(option.indexOf('=') + 1);
                String diagsOption = option.contains("%") ?
                    "-XDdiagsFormat=" :
                diagsOption += option;
                if (xd.matches(diagsOption))
                    return xd.process(options, diagsOption);
                    return false;
        new Option(HELP,                                        "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(A,                "opt.arg.key.equals.value","opt.A") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();

            public boolean matches(String arg) {
                return arg.startsWith("-A");

            public boolean hasArg() {
                return false;
            // Mapping for processor options created in
            // JavacProcessingEnvironment
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                int argLength = option.length();
                if (argLength == 2) {
                    return true;
                int sepIndex = option.indexOf('=');
                String key = option.substring(2, (sepIndex != -1 ? sepIndex : argLength) );
                if (!JavacProcessingEnvironment.isValidOptionName(key)) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.A.key", option);
                    return true;
                return process(options, option, option);
        new Option(X,                                           "opt.X") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the launcher.
        new Option(J,                   "opt.arg.flag",         "opt.J") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                throw new AssertionError
                    ("the -J flag should be caught by the launcher.");

        // stop after parsing and attributing.
        // new HiddenOption("-attrparseonly"),

        // new Option("-moreinfo",                                      "opt.moreinfo") {
        new HiddenOption(MOREINFO) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Type.moreInfo = true;
                return super.process(options, option);

        // treat warnings as errors
        new Option(WERROR,                                      "opt.Werror"),

        // use complex inference from context in the position of a method call argument
        new HiddenOption(COMPLEXINFERENCE),

        // generare source stubs
        // new HiddenOption("-stubs"),

        // relax some constraints to allow compiling from stubs
        // new HiddenOption("-relax"),

        // output source after translating away inner classes
        // new Option("-printflat",                             "opt.printflat"),
        // new HiddenOption("-printflat"),

        // display scope search details
        // new Option("-printsearch",                           "opt.printsearch"),
        // new HiddenOption("-printsearch"),

        // prompt after each error
        // new Option("-prompt",                                        "opt.prompt"),
        new HiddenOption(PROMPT),

        // dump stack on error
        new HiddenOption(DOE),

        // output source after type erasure
        // new Option("-s",                                     "opt.s"),
        new HiddenOption(PRINTSOURCE),

        // output shrouded class files
        // new Option("-scramble",                              "opt.scramble"),
        // new Option("-scrambleall",                           "opt.scrambleall"),

        // display warnings for generic unchecked operations
        new HiddenOption(WARNUNCHECKED) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-Xlint:unchecked", option);
                return false;

        new XOption(XMAXERRS,           "opt.arg.number",       "opt.maxerrs"),
        new XOption(XMAXWARNS,          "opt.arg.number",       "opt.maxwarns"),
        new XOption(XSTDOUT,            "opt.arg.file",         "opt.Xstdout") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                try {
                    helper.setOut(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(arg), true));
                } catch ( e) {
                    helper.error("err.error.writing.file", arg, e);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, arg);

        new XOption(XPRINT,                                     "opt.print"),

        new XOption(XPRINTROUNDS,                               "opt.printRounds"),

        new XOption(XPRINTPROCESSORINFO,                        "opt.printProcessorInfo"),

        new XOption(XPREFER,                                    "opt.prefer",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "source", "newer"),

        new XOption(XPKGINFO,                                   "opt.pkginfo",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "always", "legacy", "nonempty"),

        /* -O is a no-op, accepted for backward compatibility. */
        new HiddenOption(O),

        /* -Xjcov produces tables to support the code coverage tool jcov. */
        new HiddenOption(XJCOV),

        /* This is a back door to the compiler's option table.
         * -XDx=y sets the option x to the value y.
         * -XDx sets the option x to the value x.
        new HiddenOption(XD) {
            String s;
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                this.s = s;
                return s.startsWith(name.optionName);
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                s = s.substring(name.optionName.length());
                int eq = s.indexOf('=');
                String key = (eq < 0) ? s : s.substring(0, eq);
                String value = (eq < 0) ? s : s.substring(eq+1);
                options.put(key, value);
                return false;

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the CommandLine class.
        new Option(AT,                   "opt.arg.file",         "opt.AT") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
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        int ac = 0;
        while (ac < flags.length) {
            String flag = flags[ac];

            Option option = null;

            if (flag.length() > 0) {
                // quick hack to speed up file processing:
                // if the option does not begin with '-', there is no need to check
                // most of the compiler options.
                int firstOptionToCheck = flag.charAt(0) == '-' ? 0 : recognizedOptions.length-1;
                for (int j=firstOptionToCheck; j<recognizedOptions.length; j++) {
                    if (recognizedOptions[j].matches(flag)) {
                        option = recognizedOptions[j];

            if (option == null) {
                error("err.invalid.flag", flag);
                return null;

            if (option.hasArg()) {
                if (ac == flags.length) {
                    error("err.req.arg", flag);
                    return null;
                String operand = flags[ac];
                if (option.process(options, flag, operand))
                    return null;
            } else {
                if (option.process(options, flag))
                    return null;

        if (!checkDirectory(D))
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     * @param out the writer to use for diagnostic output
    public static Option[] getAll(final OptionHelper helper) {
        return new Option[]{
        new Option(G,                                           "opt.g"),
        new Option(G_NONE,                                      "opt.g.none") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-g:", "none");
                return false;

        new Option(G_CUSTOM,                                    "opt.g.lines.vars.source") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-g:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(3);
                options.put("-g:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -g suboptions as "-g:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-g:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        new XOption(XLINT,                                      "opt.Xlint"),
        new XOption(XLINT_CUSTOM,                               "opt.Xlint.suboptlist") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-Xlint:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(7);
                options.put("-Xlint:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -Xlint suboptions as "-Xlint:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-Xlint:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        // -nowarn is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(NOWARN,                                      "opt.nowarn") {
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    options.put("-Xlint:none", option);
                    return false;

        new Option(VERBOSE,                                     "opt.verbose"),

        // -deprecation is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(DEPRECATION,                                 "opt.deprecation") {
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    options.put("-Xlint:deprecation", option);
                    return false;

        new Option(CLASSPATH,              "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath"),
        new Option(CP,                     "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-classpath", arg);
        new Option(SOURCEPATH,             "opt.arg.path",      "opt.sourcepath"),
        new Option(BOOTCLASSPATH,          "opt.arg.path",      "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, option, arg);
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_PREPEND,"opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.p"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_APPEND, "opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.a"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH,        "opt.arg.path", "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-bootclasspath", arg);
        new Option(EXTDIRS,                "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_EXT_DIRS,        "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-extdirs", arg);
        new Option(ENDORSEDDIRS,            "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS,    "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-endorseddirs", arg);
        new Option(PROC_CUSTOM,                                 "opt.proc.none.only") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.equals("-proc:none") || s.equals("-proc:only");

            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                if (option.equals("-proc:none")) {
                } else {
                options.put(option, option);
                return false;
        new Option(PROCESSOR,           "opt.arg.class.list",   "opt.processor"),
        new Option(PROCESSORPATH,       "opt.arg.path",         "opt.processorpath"),
        new Option(D,                   "",    "opt.d"),
        new Option(S,                   "",    "opt.sourceDest"),
        new Option(IMPLICIT,                                    "opt.implicit") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.equals("-implicit:none") || s.equals("-implicit:class");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                int sep = option.indexOf(":");
                options.put(option.substring(0, sep), option.substring(sep+1));
                return false;
        new Option(ENCODING,            "opt.arg.encoding",     "opt.encoding"),
        new Option(SOURCE,              "opt.arg.release",      "opt.source") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Source source = Source.lookup(operand);
                if (source == null) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.source", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(TARGET,              "opt.arg.release",      "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Target target = Target.lookup(operand);
                if (target == null) {
                    helper.error("", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(VERSION,                                     "opt.version") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(FULLVERSION) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(HELP,                                        "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(A,                "opt.arg.key.equals.value","opt.A") {
                String helpSynopsis() {
                    hasSuffix = true;
                    return super.helpSynopsis();

                public boolean matches(String arg) {
                    return arg.startsWith("-A");

                public boolean hasArg() {
                    return false;
                // Mapping for processor options created in
                // JavacProcessingEnvironment
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    int argLength = option.length();
                    if (argLength == 2) {
                        return true;
                    int sepIndex = option.indexOf('=');
                    String key = option.substring(2, (sepIndex != -1 ? sepIndex : argLength) );
                    if (!JavacProcessingEnvironment.isValidOptionName(key)) {
                        helper.error("err.invalid.A.key", option);
                        return true;
                    return process(options, option, option);
        new Option(X,                                           "opt.X") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the launcher.
        new Option(J,                   "opt.arg.flag",         "opt.J") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                throw new AssertionError
                    ("the -J flag should be caught by the launcher.");

        // stop after parsing and attributing.
  new HiddenOption(ATTRPARSEONLY),

        // dump pql after attribution and analysis
  new HiddenOption(DUMPPQL),
  new HiddenOption(PRINTPQLGEN),
  new HiddenOption(INTERPRETPQL),

        // new Option("-moreinfo",                                      "opt.moreinfo") {
        new HiddenOption(MOREINFO) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Type.moreInfo = true;
                return super.process(options, option);

        // treat warnings as errors
        new Option(WERROR,                                      "opt.Werror"),

        // use complex inference from context in the position of a method call argument
        new HiddenOption(COMPLEXINFERENCE),

        // generare source stubs
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     * @param out the writer to use for diagnostic output
    public static Option[] getAll(final OptionHelper helper) {
        return new Option[]{
        new Option(G,                                           "opt.g"),
        new Option(G_NONE,                                      "opt.g.none") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-g:", "none");
                return false;

        new Option(G_CUSTOM,                                    "opt.g.lines.vars.source") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-g:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(3);
                options.put("-g:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -g suboptions as "-g:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-g:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        new XOption(XLINT,                                      "opt.Xlint"),
        new XOption(XLINT_CUSTOM,                               "opt.Xlint.suboptlist") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-Xlint:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(7);
                options.put("-Xlint:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -Xlint suboptions as "-Xlint:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-Xlint:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        // -nowarn is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(NOWARN,                                      "opt.nowarn") {
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    options.put("-Xlint:none", option);
                    return false;

        new Option(VERBOSE,                                     "opt.verbose"),

        // -deprecation is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(DEPRECATION,                                 "opt.deprecation") {
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    options.put("-Xlint:deprecation", option);
                    return false;

        new Option(CLASSPATH,              "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath"),
        new Option(CP,                     "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-classpath", arg);
        new Option(SOURCEPATH,             "opt.arg.path",      "opt.sourcepath"),
        new Option(BOOTCLASSPATH,          "opt.arg.path",      "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, option, arg);
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_PREPEND,"opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.p"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_APPEND, "opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.a"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH,        "opt.arg.path", "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-bootclasspath", arg);
        new Option(EXTDIRS,                "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_EXT_DIRS,        "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-extdirs", arg);
        new Option(ENDORSEDDIRS,            "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS,    "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-endorseddirs", arg);
        new Option(PROC_CUSTOM,                                 "opt.proc.none.only") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.equals("-proc:none") || s.equals("-proc:only");

            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                if (option.equals("-proc:none")) {
                } else {
                options.put(option, option);
                return false;
        new Option(PROCESSOR,           "opt.arg.class.list",   "opt.processor"),
        new Option(PROCESSORPATH,       "opt.arg.path",         "opt.processorpath"),
        new Option(D,                   "",    "opt.d"),
        new Option(S,                   "",    "opt.sourceDest"),
        new Option(IMPLICIT,                                    "opt.implicit") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.equals("-implicit:none") || s.equals("-implicit:class");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                int sep = option.indexOf(":");
                options.put(option.substring(0, sep), option.substring(sep+1));
                return false;
        new Option(ENCODING,            "opt.arg.encoding",     "opt.encoding"),
        new Option(SOURCE,              "opt.arg.release",      "opt.source") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Source source = Source.lookup(operand);
                if (source == null) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.source", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(TARGET,              "opt.arg.release",      "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Target target = Target.lookup(operand);
                if (target == null) {
                    helper.error("", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(VERSION,                                     "opt.version") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(FULLVERSION) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(HELP,                                        "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(A,                "opt.arg.key.equals.value","opt.A") {
                String helpSynopsis() {
                    hasSuffix = true;
                    return super.helpSynopsis();

                public boolean matches(String arg) {
                    return arg.startsWith("-A");

                public boolean hasArg() {
                    return false;
                // Mapping for processor options created in
                // JavacProcessingEnvironment
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    int argLength = option.length();
                    if (argLength == 2) {
                        return true;
                    int sepIndex = option.indexOf('=');
                    String key = option.substring(2, (sepIndex != -1 ? sepIndex : argLength) );
                    if (!JavacProcessingEnvironment.isValidOptionName(key)) {
                        helper.error("err.invalid.A.key", option);
                        return true;
                    return process(options, option, option);
        new Option(X,                                           "opt.X") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the launcher.
        new Option(J,                   "opt.arg.flag",         "opt.J") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                throw new AssertionError
                    ("the -J flag should be caught by the launcher.");

        // stop after parsing and attributing.
        // new HiddenOption("-attrparseonly"),

        // new Option("-moreinfo",                                      "opt.moreinfo") {
        new HiddenOption(MOREINFO) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Type.moreInfo = true;
                return super.process(options, option);

        // treat warnings as errors
        new Option(WERROR,                                      "opt.Werror"),

        // use complex inference from context in the position of a method call argument
        new HiddenOption(COMPLEXINFERENCE),

        // generare source stubs
View Full Code Here

            if (j == recognizedOptions.length) {
                error("err.invalid.flag", flag);
                return null;

            Option option = recognizedOptions[j];
            if (option.hasArg()) {
                if (ac == flags.length) {
                    error("err.req.arg", flag);
                    return null;
                String operand = flags[ac];
                if (option.process(options, flag, operand))
                    return null;
            } else {
                if (option.process(options, flag))
                    return null;

        if (!checkDirectory("-d"))
View Full Code Here

     * @param out the writer to use for diagnostic output
    public static Option[] getAll(final OptionHelper helper) {
        return new Option[]{
        new Option(G,                                           "opt.g"),
        new Option(G_NONE,                                      "opt.g.none") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-g:", "none");
                return false;

        new Option(G_CUSTOM,                                    "opt.g.lines.vars.source") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-g:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(3);
                options.put("-g:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -g suboptions as "-g:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-g:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        new XOption(XLINT,                                      "opt.Xlint"),
        new XOption(XLINT_CUSTOM,                               "opt.Xlint.suboptlist") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-Xlint:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(7);
                options.put("-Xlint:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -Xlint suboptions as "-Xlint:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-Xlint:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        // -nowarn is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(NOWARN,                                      "opt.nowarn") {
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    options.put("-Xlint:none", option);
                    return false;

        new Option(VERBOSE,                                     "opt.verbose"),

        // -deprecation is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(DEPRECATION,                                 "opt.deprecation") {
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    options.put("-Xlint:deprecation", option);
                    return false;

        new Option(CLASSPATH,              "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath"),
        new Option(CP,                     "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-classpath", arg);
        new Option(SOURCEPATH,             "opt.arg.path",      "opt.sourcepath"),
        new Option(BOOTCLASSPATH,          "opt.arg.path",      "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, option, arg);
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_PREPEND,"opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.p"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_APPEND, "opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.a"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH,        "opt.arg.path", "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-bootclasspath", arg);
        new Option(EXTDIRS,                "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_EXT_DIRS,        "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-extdirs", arg);
        new Option(ENDORSEDDIRS,            "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS,    "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-endorseddirs", arg);
        new Option(PROC_CUSTOM,                                 "opt.proc.none.only") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.equals("-proc:none") || s.equals("-proc:only");

            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                if (option.equals("-proc:none")) {
                } else {
                options.put(option, option);
                return false;
        new Option(PROCESSOR,           "opt.arg.class.list",   "opt.processor"),
        new Option(PROCESSORPATH,       "opt.arg.path",         "opt.processorpath"),
        new Option(D,                   "",    "opt.d"),
        new Option(S,                   "",    "opt.sourceDest"),
        new Option(IMPLICIT,                                    "opt.implicit") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.equals("-implicit:none") || s.equals("-implicit:class");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                int sep = option.indexOf(":");
                options.put(option.substring(0, sep), option.substring(sep+1));
                return false;
        new Option(ENCODING,            "opt.arg.encoding",     "opt.encoding"),
        new Option(SOURCE,              "opt.arg.release",      "opt.source") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Source source = Source.lookup(operand);
                if (source == null) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.source", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(TARGET,              "opt.arg.release",      "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Target target = Target.lookup(operand);
                if (target == null) {
                    helper.error("", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(VERSION,                                     "opt.version") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(FULLVERSION) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(HELP,                                        "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(A,                "opt.arg.key.equals.value","opt.A") {
                String helpSynopsis() {
                    hasSuffix = true;
                    return super.helpSynopsis();

                public boolean matches(String arg) {
                    return arg.startsWith("-A");

                public boolean hasArg() {
                    return false;
                // Mapping for processor options created in
                // JavacProcessingEnvironment
                public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                    int argLength = option.length();
                    if (argLength == 2) {
                        return true;
                    int sepIndex = option.indexOf('=');
                    String key = option.substring(2, (sepIndex != -1 ? sepIndex : argLength) );
                    if (!JavacProcessingEnvironment.isValidOptionName(key)) {
                        helper.error("err.invalid.A.key", option);
                        return true;
                    return process(options, option, option);
        new Option(X,                                           "opt.X") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the launcher.
        new Option(J,                   "opt.arg.flag",         "opt.J") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                throw new AssertionError
                    ("the -J flag should be caught by the launcher.");

        // stop after parsing and attributing.
        // new HiddenOption("-attrparseonly"),

        // new Option("-moreinfo",                                      "opt.moreinfo") {
        new HiddenOption(MOREINFO) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Type.moreInfo = true;
                return super.process(options, option);

        // treat warnings as errors
        new Option(WERROR,                                      "opt.Werror"),

        // use complex inference from context in the position of a method call argument
        new HiddenOption(COMPLEXINFERENCE),

        // generare source stubs
View Full Code Here

                error("err.invalid.flag", flag);
                return null;

            Option option = recognizedOptions[j];
            if (option.hasArg()) {
                if (ac == flags.length) {
                  F:\Javac>javac -d
          javac: -d 需要参数
          用法: javac <options> <source files>
          -help 用于列出可能的选项
                    error("err.req.arg", flag);
                    return null;
                String operand = flags[ac];
                if (option.process(options, flag, operand))
                    return null;
            } else {
                if (option.process(options, flag))
                    return null;
        //当在javac命令行中指定了“-d <目录>”选项时,
View Full Code Here

        int ac = 0;
        while (ac < flags.length) {
            String flag = flags[ac];

            Option option = null;

            if (flag.length() > 0) {
                // quick hack to speed up file processing:
                // if the option does not begin with '-', there is no need to check
                // most of the compiler options.
                int firstOptionToCheck = flag.charAt(0) == '-' ? 0 : recognizedOptions.length-1;
                for (int j=firstOptionToCheck; j<recognizedOptions.length; j++) {
                    if (recognizedOptions[j].matches(flag)) {
                        option = recognizedOptions[j];

            if (option == null) {
                error("err.invalid.flag", flag);
                return null;

            if (option.hasArg()) {
                if (ac == flags.length) {
                    error("err.req.arg", flag);
                    return null;
                String operand = flags[ac];
                if (option.process(options, flag, operand))
                    return null;
            } else {
                if (option.process(options, flag))
                    return null;

        if (!checkDirectory(D))
View Full Code Here

     * @param helper an {@code OptionHelper} to help when processing options
     * @return an array of options
    public static Option[] getAll(final OptionHelper helper) {
        return new Option[] {
        new Option(G,                                           "opt.g"),
        new Option(G_NONE,                                      "opt.g.none") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-g:", "none");
                return false;

        new Option(G_CUSTOM,                                    "opt.g.lines.vars.source",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ANYOF, "lines", "vars", "source"),

        new XOption(XLINT,                                      "opt.Xlint"),
        new XOption(XLINT_CUSTOM,                               "opt.Xlint.suboptlist",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ANYOF, getXLintChoices()),

        // -nowarn is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(NOWARN,                                      "opt.nowarn") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-Xlint:none", option);
                return false;

        new Option(VERBOSE,                                     "opt.verbose"),
        new Option(VERBOSE_CUSTOM,                              "opt.verbose.suboptlist") {
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                return s.startsWith("-verbose:");
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                String suboptions = option.substring(9);
                options.put("-verbose:", suboptions);
                // enter all the -verbose suboptions as "-verbose:suboption"
                for (StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(suboptions, ","); t.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
                    String tok = t.nextToken();
                    String opt = "-verbose:" + tok;
                    options.put(opt, opt);
                return false;

        // -deprecation is retained for command-line backward compatibility
        new Option(DEPRECATION,                                 "opt.deprecation") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-Xlint:deprecation", option);
                return false;

        new Option(CLASSPATH,              "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath"),
        new Option(CP,                     "opt.arg.path",      "opt.classpath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-classpath", arg);
        new COption(CEYLONCWD,              "opt.arg.path",     "opt.ceyloncwd"),
        new COption(CEYLONREPO,             "opt.arg.url",      "opt.ceylonrepo"){
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                if(options != null)
                    options.addMulti(CEYLONREPO, arg);
                return false;
        new COption(CEYLONSYSTEMREPO,       "opt.arg.url",       "opt.ceylonsystemrepo"),
        new COption(CEYLONCACHEREPO,        "opt.arg.url",       "opt.ceyloncacherepo"),
        new COption(CEYLONNODEFREPOS,                            "opt.ceylonnodefrepos"),
        new COption(CEYLONUSER,             "opt.arg.value",     "opt.ceylonuser"),
        new COption(CEYLONPASS,             "opt.arg.value",     "opt.ceylonpass"),
        new COption(CEYLONNOOSGI,                                "opt.ceylonnoosgi"),
        new COption(CEYLONNOPOM,                                 "opt.ceylonnopom"),
        new COption(CEYLONPACK200,                               "opt.ceylonpack200"),
        new COption(CEYLONRESOURCEROOT,     "opt.arg.path",      "opt.ceylonresourceroot"),
        new COption(CEYLONDISABLEOPT,                            "opt.ceylondisableopt"),
        new COption(CEYLONDISABLEOPT_CUSTOM,                     "opt.ceylondisableopt.suboptlist"),
        new COption(CEYLONSUPPRESSWARNINGS, "opt.arg.value",     "opt.ceylonsuppresswarnings"),
        new Option(SOURCEPATH,              "opt.arg.path",      "opt.sourcepath"){
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                if(options != null)
                    options.addMulti(SOURCEPATH, arg);
                return false;
        new COption(CEYLONSOURCEPATH,       "", "opt.ceylonsourcepath"){
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                if(options != null)
                    options.addMulti(SOURCEPATH, arg);
                return false;
        new COption(CEYLONRESOURCEPATH,     "opt.arg.url",      "opt.ceylonresourcepath"){
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                if(options != null)
                    options.addMulti(CEYLONRESOURCEPATH, arg);
                return false;
        new Option(BOOTCLASSPATH,           "opt.arg.path",      "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, option, arg);
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_PREPEND,"opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.p"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH_APPEND, "opt.arg.path", "opt.Xbootclasspath.a"),
        new XOption(XBOOTCLASSPATH,        "opt.arg.path", "opt.bootclasspath") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-bootclasspath", arg);
        new Option(EXTDIRS,                "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_EXT_DIRS,        "opt.arg.dirs",      "opt.extdirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-extdirs", arg);
        new Option(ENDORSEDDIRS,            "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs"),
        new XOption(DJAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS,    "opt.arg.dirs",     "opt.endorseddirs") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-endorseddirs", arg);
        new Option(PROC,                                 "opt.proc.none.only",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "none", "only"),
        new Option(PROCESSOR,           "opt.arg.class.list",   "opt.processor"),
        new Option(PROCESSORPATH,       "opt.arg.path",         "opt.processorpath"),
        new Option(D,                   "",    "opt.d"),
        new COption(CEYLONOUT,           "opt.arg.url",         "opt.ceylonout"){
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-d", arg);
        new COption(CEYLONOFFLINE,      "opt.ceylonoffline"),
        new COption(CEYLONCONTINUE,     "opt.ceyloncontinue"),
        new COption(CEYLONMAVENOVERRIDES, "opt.arg.url",        "opt.ceylonmavenoverrides"),
        new Option(S,                   "",    "opt.sourceDest"),
        new Option(IMPLICIT,                                    "opt.implicit",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "none", "class"),
        new Option(ENCODING,            "opt.arg.encoding",     "opt.encoding") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                try {
                    options.put(option, operand);
                    return false;
                } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
                    helper.error("err.unsupported.encoding", operand);
                    return true;
                } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) {
                    helper.error("err.unsupported.encoding", operand);
                    return true;
        new Option(SOURCE,              "opt.arg.release",      "opt.source") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Source source = Source.lookup(operand);
                if (source == null) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.source", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new Option(TARGET,              "opt.arg.release",      "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
                Target target = Target.lookup(operand);
                if (target == null) {
                    helper.error("", operand);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, operand);
        new COption(VERSION,                                     "opt.version") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(FULLVERSION) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new HiddenOption(DIAGS) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Option xd = getOptions(helper, EnumSet.of(XD))[0];
                option = option.substring(option.indexOf('=') + 1);
                String diagsOption = option.contains("%") ?
                    "-XDdiagsFormat=" :
                diagsOption += option;
                if (xd.matches(diagsOption))
                    return xd.process(options, diagsOption);
                    return false;
        new COption(HELP,                                        "") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);
        new Option(A,                "opt.arg.key.equals.value","opt.A") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();

            public boolean matches(String arg) {
                return arg.startsWith("-A");

            public boolean hasArg() {
                return false;
            // Mapping for processor options created in
            // JavacProcessingEnvironment
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                int argLength = option.length();
                if (argLength == 2) {
                    return true;
                int sepIndex = option.indexOf('=');
                String key = option.substring(2, (sepIndex != -1 ? sepIndex : argLength) );
                if (!JavacProcessingEnvironment.isValidOptionName(key)) {
                    helper.error("err.invalid.A.key", option);
                    return true;
                return process(options, option, option);
        new Option(X,                                           "opt.X") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                return super.process(options, option);

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the launcher.
        new Option(J,                   "opt.arg.flag",         "opt.J") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                throw new AssertionError
                    ("the -J flag should be caught by the launcher.");

        // stop after parsing and attributing.
        // new HiddenOption("-attrparseonly"),

        // new Option("-moreinfo",                                      "opt.moreinfo") {
        new HiddenOption(MOREINFO) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                Type.moreInfo = true;
                return super.process(options, option);

        // treat warnings as errors
        new Option(WERROR,                                      "opt.Werror"),

        new Option(SRC,                     "opt.arg.src",      "opt.src") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                return super.process(options, "-src", arg);

        // use complex inference from context in the position of a method call argument
        new HiddenOption(COMPLEXINFERENCE),

        // generare source stubs
        // new HiddenOption("-stubs"),

        // relax some constraints to allow compiling from stubs
        // new HiddenOption("-relax"),

        // output source after translating away inner classes
        // new Option("-printflat",                             "opt.printflat"),
        // new HiddenOption("-printflat"),

        // display scope search details
        // new Option("-printsearch",                           "opt.printsearch"),
        // new HiddenOption("-printsearch"),

        // prompt after each error
        // new Option("-prompt",                                        "opt.prompt"),
        new HiddenOption(PROMPT),

        // dump stack on error
        new HiddenOption(DOE),

        // output source after type erasure
        // new Option("-s",                                     "opt.s"),
        new HiddenOption(PRINTSOURCE),

        // allow us to compile ceylon.language
        new HiddenOption(BOOTSTRAPCEYLON),

        // output shrouded class files
        // new Option("-scramble",                              "opt.scramble"),
        // new Option("-scrambleall",                           "opt.scrambleall"),

        // display warnings for generic unchecked operations
        new HiddenOption(WARNUNCHECKED) {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                options.put("-Xlint:unchecked", option);
                return false;

        new XOption(XMAXERRS,           "opt.arg.number",       "opt.maxerrs"),
        new XOption(XMAXWARNS,          "opt.arg.number",       "opt.maxwarns"),
        new XOption(XSTDOUT,            "opt.arg.file",         "opt.Xstdout") {
            public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
                try {
                    helper.setOut(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(arg), true));
                } catch ( e) {
                    helper.error("err.error.writing.file", arg, e);
                    return true;
                return super.process(options, option, arg);

        new XOption(XPRINT,                                     "opt.print"),

        new XOption(XPRINTROUNDS,                               "opt.printRounds"),

        new XOption(XPRINTPROCESSORINFO,                        "opt.printProcessorInfo"),

        new XOption(XPREFER,                                    "opt.prefer",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "source", "newer"),

        new XOption(XPKGINFO,                                   "opt.pkginfo",
                Option.ChoiceKind.ONEOF, "always", "legacy", "nonempty"),

        /* -O is a no-op, accepted for backward compatibility. */
        new HiddenOption(O),

        /* -Xjcov produces tables to support the code coverage tool jcov. */
        new HiddenOption(XJCOV),

        /* This is a back door to the compiler's option table.
         * -XDx=y sets the option x to the value y.
         * -XDx sets the option x to the value x.
        new HiddenOption(XD) {
            String s;
            public boolean matches(String s) {
                this.s = s;
                return s.startsWith(name.optionName);
            public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
                s = s.substring(name.optionName.length());
                int eq = s.indexOf('=');
                String key = (eq < 0) ? s : s.substring(0, eq);
                String value = (eq < 0) ? s : s.substring(eq+1);
                options.put(key, value);
                return false;

        // This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
        // It's actually implemented by the CommandLine class.
        new Option(AT,                   "opt.arg.file",         "opt.AT") {
            String helpSynopsis() {
                hasSuffix = true;
                return super.helpSynopsis();
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            if (j == recognizedOptions.length) {
                error("err.invalid.flag", flag);
                return null;

            Option option = recognizedOptions[j];
            if (option.hasArg()) {
                if (ac == flags.length) {
                    error("err.req.arg", flag);
                    return null;
                String operand = flags[ac];
                if (option.process(options, flag, operand))
                    return null;
            } else {
                if (option.process(options, flag))
                    return null;

        if (!checkDirectoryOrURL("-d"))
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