public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
return super.process(options, option);
new HiddenOption(FULLVERSION) {
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
return super.process(options, option);
new Option(HELP, "") {
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
return super.process(options, option);
new Option(A, "opt.arg.key.equals.value","opt.A") {
String helpSynopsis() {
hasSuffix = true;
return super.helpSynopsis();
public boolean matches(String arg) {
return arg.startsWith("-A");
public boolean hasArg() {
return false;
// Mapping for processor options created in
// JavacProcessingEnvironment
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
int argLength = option.length();
if (argLength == 2) {
//-A 需要一个参数;使用 '-Akey' 或 '-Akey=value'
return true;
int sepIndex = option.indexOf('=');
String key = option.substring(2, (sepIndex != -1 ? sepIndex : argLength) );
if (!JavacProcessingEnvironment.isValidOptionName(key)) {
helper.error("err.invalid.A.key", option);
return true;
return process(options, option, option);
new Option(X, "opt.X") {
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
return super.process(options, option);
// This option exists only for the purpose of documenting itself.
// It's actually implemented by the launcher.
new Option(J, "opt.arg.flag", "opt.J") {
String helpSynopsis() {
hasSuffix = true;
return super.helpSynopsis();
//要是这样运行:java -classpath bin\classes -help -J
//就会调用到这里,因为加-help会先调用helpSynopsis()使得hasSuffix = true
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
throw new AssertionError
("the -J flag should be caught by the launcher.");
// stop after parsing and attributing.
// new HiddenOption("-attrparseonly"),
// new Option("-moreinfo", "opt.moreinfo") {
new HiddenOption(MOREINFO) {
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
//moreInfo是一个static boolean字段
Type.moreInfo = true;
return super.process(options, option);
// treat warnings as errors
new HiddenOption(WERROR),
// use complex inference from context in the position of a method call argument
// generare source stubs
// new HiddenOption("-stubs"),
// relax some constraints to allow compiling from stubs
// new HiddenOption("-relax"),
// output source after translating away inner classes
// new Option("-printflat", "opt.printflat"),
// new HiddenOption("-printflat"),
// display scope search details
// new Option("-printsearch", "opt.printsearch"),
// new HiddenOption("-printsearch"),
// prompt after each error
// new Option("-prompt", "opt.prompt"),
new HiddenOption(PROMPT),
// dump stack on error
new HiddenOption(DOE),
// output source after type erasure
// new Option("-s", "opt.s"),
new HiddenOption(PRINTSOURCE),
// output shrouded class files
// new Option("-scramble", "opt.scramble"),
// new Option("-scrambleall", "opt.scrambleall"),
// display warnings for generic unchecked operations
new HiddenOption(WARNUNCHECKED) {
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
options.put("-Xlint:unchecked", option);
return false;
new XOption(XMAXERRS, "opt.arg.number", "opt.maxerrs"),
new XOption(XMAXWARNS, "opt.arg.number", "opt.maxwarns"),
new XOption(XSTDOUT, "opt.arg.file", "opt.Xstdout") {
public boolean process(Options options, String option, String arg) {
try {
helper.setOut(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(arg), true));
} catch ( e) {
helper.error("err.error.writing.file", arg, e);
return true;
return super.process(options, option, arg);
new XOption(XPRINT, "opt.print"),
new XOption(XPRINTROUNDS, "opt.printRounds"),
new XOption(XPRINTPROCESSORINFO, "opt.printProcessorInfo"),
new XOption(XPREFER, "opt.prefer") {
public boolean matches(String s) {
return s.equals("-Xprefer:source") || s.equals("-Xprefer:newer");
public boolean process(Options options, String option, String operand) {
int sep = option.indexOf(":");
options.put(option.substring(0, sep), option.substring(sep+1));
return false;
/* -O is a no-op, accepted for backward compatibility. */
new HiddenOption(O),
/* -Xjcov produces tables to support the code coverage tool jcov. */
new HiddenOption(XJCOV),
/* This is a back door to the compiler's option table.
* -XDx=y sets the option x to the value y.
* -XDx sets the option x to the value x.
new HiddenOption(XD) {
String s;
public boolean matches(String s) {
this.s = s;
return s.startsWith(name.optionName);
public boolean process(Options options, String option) {
s = s.substring(name.optionName.length());
int eq = s.indexOf('=');
String key = (eq < 0) ? s : s.substring(0, eq);
String value = (eq < 0) ? s : s.substring(eq+1);
options.put(key, value);
return false;
* TODO: With apt, the matches method accepts anything if
* -XclassAsDecls is used; code elsewhere does the lookup to
* see if the class name is both legal and found.
* In apt, the process method adds the candiate class file
* name to a separate list.
new HiddenOption(SOURCEFILE) {
String s;
public boolean matches(String s) {
this.s = s;
return s.endsWith(".java") // Java source file
|| SourceVersion.isName(s); // Legal type name