boolean required = attributeUse==USE_REQUIRED;
// get the attribute-property declaration
BIElement edecl = bindInfo.element(elementName);
BIAttribute decl=null;
if(edecl!=null) decl=edecl.attribute(attributeName);
String propName;
if(decl==null) propName = model.getNameConverter().toPropertyName(attributeName);
else propName = decl.getPropertyName();
QName qname = new QName("",attributeName);
// if no declaration is specified, just wrap it by
// a FieldItem and let the normalizer handle its content.
TypeUse use;
if(decl!=null && decl.getConversion()!=null)
use = decl.getConversion().getTransducer();
use = builtinConversions.get(attributeType);
CPropertyInfo r = new CAttributePropertyInfo(
propName, null,null/*TODO*/, copyLocator(), qname, use, null, required );