// Regardles, this code will not be emitted since updated emitters invoke
// method type() below instead of helperType() when handling sequences
// This is a recursive sequence
tcoffsets.set (null);
Expression maxSize = ((SequenceEntry)entry).maxSize ();
if (maxSize == null)
stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_recursive_sequence_tc (0, " + (offsetOfType - tcoffsets.currentOffset ()) + ");");
stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_recursive_sequence_tc (" + Util.parseExpression (maxSize) + ", " + (offsetOfType - tcoffsets.currentOffset ()) + ");");
tcoffsets.bumpCurrentOffset (4); // add indirection field
// This is a normal sequence
tcoffsets.set (entry);
index = ((JavaGenerator)entry.type ().generator ()).helperType (index + 1, indent, tcoffsets, name, entry.type (), stream);
Expression maxSize = ((SequenceEntry)entry).maxSize ();
if (maxSize == null)
stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_sequence_tc (0, " + name + ");");
stream.println (indent + name + " = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init ().create_sequence_tc (" + Util.parseExpression (maxSize) + ", " + name + ");");