A VirtualMachineDescriptor
is a container class used to describe a Java virtual machine. It encapsulates an identifier that identifies a target virtual machine, and a reference to the {@link com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider AttachProvider} that should be usedwhen attempting to attach to the virtual machine. The identifier is implementation-dependent but is typically the process identifier (or pid) environments where each Java virtual machine runs in its own operating system process.
A VirtualMachineDescriptor
also has a {@link #displayName() displayName}. The display name is typically a human readable string that a tool might display to a user. For example, a tool that shows a list of Java virtual machines running on a system might use the display name rather than the identifier. A VirtualMachineDescriptor
may be created without a display name. In that case the identifier is used as the display name.
instances are typically created by invoking the {@link VirtualMachine#list VirtualMachine.list()}method. This returns the complete list of descriptors to describe the Java virtual machines known to all installed {@link com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider attach providers}.
@since 1.6