if (sNames.length > 1)
failed("Implementation has been changed. Check this test!");
assure("The service name '" + serviceName + "' is not valid.", !serviceName.equals("com.sun.star.ucb.DynamicContentResultSet"), true);
XResultSet xResultSet = xDynamicResultSet.getStaticResultSet();
XContentAccess xContentAccess = (XContentAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XContentAccess.class, xResultSet);
// iterate over the result: three docs were opened, we should have at least three content identifier strings
int countContentIdentifiers = 0;
while(xResultSet.next()) {
String identifier = xContentAccess.queryContentIdentifierString();
log.println("Identifier of row " + xResultSet.getRow() + ": " + identifier);
// some feeble test: if the amount >2, we're ok.
// 2do: check better
assure("Did only find " + countContentIdentifiers + " open documents." +