
Examples of

                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document stored." );
                //create StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                xStandaloneDocInfo.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title from the object and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet =
                        (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                String sTitle = xPropSet.getPropertyValue ( "Title" ).toString ();
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Get title: " + sTitle );
                if ( sTitle.compareTo ( sDocTitle[i] ) != 0 ) {
                    m_aTestHelper.Error ( "Title not match. Expected \""
                            + sDocTitle[i] +
                            "\"" );
                    return false;
                } else {
                    m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Title matched." );
                //set a new title to the object
                sTitle += "_new";
                xPropSet.setPropertyValue ( "Title", sTitle );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Set new title: " + sTitle );
                //store the object to the same file
                xStandaloneDocInfo.storeIntoURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document info stored." );
                //create a new StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo_ = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo_ =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
                xStandaloneDocInfo_.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "New StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet_ = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
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        String Iname = util.utils.getImplName(oObj);
        log.println("Implementation Name: "+Iname);
        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);
        XStandaloneDocumentInfo the_info = (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oObj);
        try {
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't load document: " + destUrl,e);
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                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document stored." );
                //create StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                xStandaloneDocInfo.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title from the object and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet =
                        (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                String sTitle = xPropSet.getPropertyValue ( "Title" ).toString ();
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Get title: " + sTitle );
                if ( sTitle.compareTo ( sDocTitle[i] ) != 0 ) {
                    m_aTestHelper.Error ( "Title not match. Expected \""
                            + sDocTitle[i] +
                            "\"" );
                    return false;
                } else {
                    m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Title matched." );
                //set a new title to the object
                sTitle += "_new";
                xPropSet.setPropertyValue ( "Title", sTitle );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Set new title: " + sTitle );
                //store the object to the same file
                xStandaloneDocInfo.storeIntoURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document info stored." );
                //create a new StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo_ = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo_ =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
                xStandaloneDocInfo_.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "New StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet_ = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
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        String Iname = util.utils.getImplName(oObj);
        log.println("Implementation Name: "+Iname);
        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);
        XStandaloneDocumentInfo the_info = (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oObj);
        try {
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't load document: " + destUrl,e);
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                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document stored." );
                //create StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo =
                        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo);
                xStandaloneDocInfo.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title from the object and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet =
                        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo);
                String sTitle = xPropSet.getPropertyValue ( "Title" ).toString ();
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Get title: " + sTitle );
                if ( sTitle.compareTo ( sDocTitle[i] ) != 0 ) {
                    m_aTestHelper.Error ( "Title not match. Expected \""
                            + sDocTitle[i] +
                            "\"" );
                    return false;
                } else {
                    m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Title matched." );
                //set a new title to the object
                sTitle += "_new";
                xPropSet.setPropertyValue ( "Title", sTitle );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Set new title: " + sTitle );
                //store the object to the same file
                xStandaloneDocInfo.storeIntoURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document info stored." );
                //create a new StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo_ = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo_ =
                        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_);
                xStandaloneDocInfo_.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "New StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet_ = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_);
                String sTitle_ = xPropSet_.getPropertyValue ( "Title" ).toString ();
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        String Iname = util.utils.getImplName(oObj);
        log.println("Implementation Name: "+Iname);
        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);
        XStandaloneDocumentInfo the_info = (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oObj);
        try {
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't load document: " + destUrl,e);
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                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document stored." );
                //create StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                xStandaloneDocInfo.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title from the object and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet =
                        (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                String sTitle = xPropSet.getPropertyValue ( "Title" ).toString ();
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Get title: " + sTitle );
                if ( sTitle.compareTo ( sDocTitle[i] ) != 0 ) {
                    m_aTestHelper.Error ( "Title not match. Expected \""
                            + sDocTitle[i] +
                            "\"" );
                    return false;
                } else {
                    m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Title matched." );
                //set a new title to the object
                sTitle += "_new";
                xPropSet.setPropertyValue ( "Title", sTitle );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Set new title: " + sTitle );
                //store the object to the same file
                xStandaloneDocInfo.storeIntoURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document info stored." );
                //create a new StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo_ = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo_ =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
                xStandaloneDocInfo_.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "New StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet_ = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
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        String Iname = util.utils.getImplName(oObj);
        log.println("Implementation Name: "+Iname);
        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);
        XStandaloneDocumentInfo the_info = (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oObj);
        try {
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't load document: " + destUrl,e);
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        String Iname = util.utils.getImplName(oObj);
        log.println("Implementation Name: "+Iname);
        TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment(oObj);
        XStandaloneDocumentInfo the_info = (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oObj);
        try {
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new StatusException("Couldn't load document: " + destUrl,e);
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                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document stored." );
                //create StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                xStandaloneDocInfo.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title from the object and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet =
                        (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo );
                String sTitle = xPropSet.getPropertyValue ( "Title" ).toString ();
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Get title: " + sTitle );
                if ( sTitle.compareTo ( sDocTitle[i] ) != 0 ) {
                    m_aTestHelper.Error ( "Title not match. Expected \""
                            + sDocTitle[i] +
                            "\"" );
                    return false;
                } else {
                    m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Title matched." );
                //set a new title to the object
                sTitle += "_new";
                xPropSet.setPropertyValue ( "Title", sTitle );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Set new title: " + sTitle );
                //store the object to the same file
                xStandaloneDocInfo.storeIntoURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document info stored." );
                //create a new StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
                Object oStandaloneDocInfo_ = m_xMSF.createInstance (
                        "" );
                XStandaloneDocumentInfo xStandaloneDocInfo_ =
                        (XStandaloneDocumentInfo)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XStandaloneDocumentInfo.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
                xStandaloneDocInfo_.loadFromURL ( sURL );
                m_aTestHelper.Message ( "New StandaloneDocumentInfo loaded." );
                //get the title and check it
                XPropertySet xPropSet_ = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                        XPropertySet.class, oStandaloneDocInfo_ );
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