XIndexAccess xNum = (XIndexAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
mxDocFactory.createInstance( "" ) );
// Also get the NumberingRule's XIndexReplace interface
XIndexReplace xReplace = (XIndexReplace) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XIndexReplace.class, xNum );
// Create an array of XPropertySets, one for each of the three
// paragraphs we're about to create
XPropertySet xParas[] = new XPropertySet [ 3 ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i )
// Create a new paragraph
XTextContent xNewPara = (XTextContent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTextContent.class, mxDocFactory.createInstance(
"" ) );
// Get the XPropertySet interface of the new paragraph and put
// it in our array
xParas[i] = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xNewPara );
// Insert the new paragraph into the document after the fish
// section. As it is an insert relative to the fish section, the
// first paragraph inserted will be below the next two
xRelative.insertTextContentAfter ( xNewPara, mxFishSection );
// Separate from the above, but also needs to be done three times
// Get the PropertyValue sequence for this numbering level
PropertyValue [] aProps = (PropertyValue [] ) xNum.getByIndex ( i );
// Iterate over the PropertyValue's for this numbering level,
// looking for the 'NumberingType' property
for ( int j = 0 ; j < aProps.length ; ++j )
if ( aProps[j].Name.equals ( "NumberingType" ) )
// Once we find it, set it's value to a new type,
// dependent on which numbering level we're currently on
switch ( i )
case 0 : aProps[j].Value =
new Short(NumberingType.ROMAN_UPPER);
case 1 : aProps[j].Value =
new Short(NumberingType.CHARS_UPPER_LETTER);
case 2 : aProps[j].Value =
new Short(NumberingType.ARABIC);
// Put the updated PropertyValue sequence back into the
// NumberingRules service
xReplace.replaceByIndex ( i, aProps );
// Get the XParagraphCursor interface of our text cursro