public void _accept() {
boolean result = true ;
AcceptorThread acception = null,
dupAcception = null ;
XAcceptor dupAcceptor = null ;
XConnector xConnector = null ;
// creating services requierd
try {
Object oConnector = ((XMultiServiceFactory)tParam.getMSF()).
createInstance("com.sun.star.connection.Connector") ;
xConnector = (XConnector) UnoRuntime.queryInterface
(XConnector.class, oConnector) ;
XInterface acceptor = (XInterface) ((XMultiServiceFactory)
("com.sun.star.connection.Acceptor") ;
dupAcceptor = (XAcceptor) UnoRuntime.queryInterface
(XAcceptor.class, acceptor) ;
} catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(log) ;
throw new StatusException("Can't create service", e) ;
// Testing connection to the acceptor
try {
acception = new AcceptorThread(oObj) ;
acception.start() ;
try {
catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {}
XConnection con = xConnector.connect(connectString) ;
if (con == null)
log.println("Connector returned : null") ;
log.println("Connector returned : " + con.getDescription()) ;
try {
acception.join(5 * 1000) ;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {}
if (acception.isAlive()) {
result = false ;
log.println("Method call haven't returned") ;
if (acception.acceptedCall == null)
log.println("Acceptor returned : null") ;
log.println("Acceptor returned : " +
acception.acceptedCall.getDescription()) ;
} else {
if (acception.ex != null) {
log.println("Exception occured in accept() thread :") ;
acception.ex.printStackTrace(log) ;
if (acception.acceptedCall == null)
log.println("Method returned : null") ;
log.println("Method returned : " +
acception.acceptedCall.getDescription()) ;
result &= acception.acceptedCall != null ;
} catch (com.sun.star.connection.ConnectionSetupException e) {
e.printStackTrace(log) ;
result = false ;
} catch (com.sun.star.connection.NoConnectException e) {
e.printStackTrace(log) ;
result = false ;
} finally {
if (acception.isAlive()) {
// duplicate acceptor test
// creating the additional acceptor which listens
// on the same port
log.println("___ Testing for accepting on the same port ...") ;
try {
dupAcception = new AcceptorThread(dupAcceptor) ;
dupAcception.start() ;
try {
dupAcception.join(1 * 1000) ;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {}
if (dupAcception.isAlive()) {
log.println("Duplicate acceptor is listening ...") ;
// now trying to accept on the same port as additional
// acceptor
acception = new AcceptorThread(oObj) ;
acception.start() ;
try {
acception.join(3 * 1000) ;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {}
if (acception.isAlive()) {
oObj.stopAccepting() ;
acception.interrupt() ;
log.println("Acceptor with the same port must cause"+
" an error but didn't") ;
result = false ;
} else {
log.println("Accepted call = " + acception.acceptedCall) ;
if (acception.ex == null) {
//result = false ;
log.println("No exception was thrown when trying"+
" to listen on the same port") ;
} else {
if (acception.ex instanceof
com.sun.star.connection.AlreadyAcceptingException ||
acception.ex instanceof
com.sun.star.connection.ConnectionSetupException) {
log.println("Rigth exception was thrown when trying"+
" to listen on the same port") ;
} else {
result = false ;
log.println("Wrong exception was thrown when trying"+
" to listen on the same port :") ;
acception.ex.printStackTrace(log) ;
} finally {
dupAcceptor.stopAccepting() ;
if (dupAcception.isAlive()) {
dupAcception.interrupt() ;