This implementation will either read from a straight ASCII file or a binary file. When reading from an ASCII file, you can specify when the input line is tokenized: load, lookup, or never. If you specify 'load', the entire file will be parsed when it is loaded. If you specify 'lookup', the file will be loaded, but the parsing for each line will be delayed until it is referenced and the parsed form will be saved away. If you specify 'never', the lines will parsed each time they are referenced. The default is 'never'. To specify the load type, set the system property as follows:
If a binary file is used, you can also specify whether the new IO package is used. The new IO package is new for JDK1.4, and can greatly improve the speed of loading files. To enable new IO, use the following system property (it is enabled by default):
The implementation also allows users to define their own addenda that will be used in addition to the system addenda. If the user defines their own addenda, it values will be added to the system addenda, overriding any existing elements in the system addenda. To define a user addenda, the user needs to set the following property:
-Dcom.sun.speeech.freetts.lexicon.userAddenda=<URLToUserAddenda>Where <URLToUserAddenda> is a URL pointing to an ASCII file containing addenda entries.
[[[TODO: support multiple homographs with the same part of speech.]]]