public SchemaGrammar parseSchema(XMLInputSource is, XSDDescription desc,
Map locationPairs)
throws IOException {
fLocationPairs = locationPairs;
SchemaGrammar grammar = null;
String schemaNamespace = null;
short referType = desc.getContextType();
// if loading using JAXP schemaSource property, or using grammar caching loadGrammar
// the desc.targetNamespace is always null.
// Therefore we should not attempt to find out if
// the schema is already in the bucket, since in the case we have
// no namespace schema in the bucket, findGrammar will always return the
// no namespace schema.
if (referType != XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE){
// first try to find it in the bucket/pool, return if one is found
if (fHonourAllSchemaLocations && referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_IMPORT && isExistingGrammar(desc, fNamespaceGrowth)) {
grammar = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(desc.getTargetNamespace());
else {
grammar = findGrammar(desc, fNamespaceGrowth);
if (grammar != null) {
if (!fNamespaceGrowth) {
return grammar;
else {
try {
if (grammar.getDocumentLocations().contains(XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(is.getSystemId(), is.getBaseSystemId(), false))) {
return grammar;
catch (MalformedURIException e) {
//REVISIT: return the grammar?
schemaNamespace = desc.getTargetNamespace();
// handle empty string URI as null
if (schemaNamespace != null) {
schemaNamespace = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(schemaNamespace);
// before parsing a schema, need to clear registries associated with
// parsing schemas
Element schemaRoot = null;
// first phase: construct trees.
if (is instanceof DOMInputSource) {
schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, (DOMInputSource) is,
referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
referType, null);
} // DOMInputSource
else if (is instanceof SAXInputSource) {
schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, (SAXInputSource) is,
referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
referType, null);
} // SAXInputSource
else if (is instanceof StAXInputSource) {
schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, (StAXInputSource) is,
referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
referType, null);
} // StAXInputSource
else if (is instanceof XSInputSource) {
schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument((XSInputSource) is, desc);
} // XSInputSource
else {
schemaRoot = getSchemaDocument(schemaNamespace, is,
referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE,
referType, null);
} //is instanceof XMLInputSource
if (schemaRoot == null) {
// something went wrong right off the hop
if (is instanceof XSInputSource) {
return fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(desc.getTargetNamespace());
return grammar;
if (referType == XSDDescription.CONTEXT_PREPARSE) {
Element schemaElem = schemaRoot;
schemaNamespace = DOMUtil.getAttrValue(schemaElem, SchemaSymbols.ATT_TARGETNAMESPACE);
if(schemaNamespace != null && schemaNamespace.length() > 0) {
// Since now we've discovered a namespace, we need to update xsd key
// and store this schema in traversed schemas bucket
schemaNamespace = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(schemaNamespace);
else {
schemaNamespace = null;
grammar = findGrammar(desc, fNamespaceGrowth);
String schemaId = XMLEntityManager.expandSystemId(is.getSystemId(), is.getBaseSystemId(), false);
if (grammar != null) {
// When namespace growth is enabled and a null location is provided we cannot tell
// whether we've loaded this schema document before so we must assume that we haven't.
if (!fNamespaceGrowth || (schemaId != null && grammar.getDocumentLocations().contains(schemaId))) {
return grammar;
XSDKey key = new XSDKey(schemaId, referType, schemaNamespace);
fTraversed.put(key, schemaRoot);
if (schemaId != null) {
fDoc2SystemId.put(schemaRoot, schemaId);
// before constructing trees and traversing a schema, need to reset
// all traversers and clear all registries
fRoot = constructTrees(schemaRoot, is.getSystemId(), desc, grammar != null);
if (fRoot == null) {
return null;
// second phase: fill global registries.
// third phase: call traversers
ArrayList annotationInfo = fValidateAnnotations ? new ArrayList() : null;
// fourth phase: handle local element decls
// fifth phase: handle Keyrefs
// sixth phase: validate attribute of non-schema namespaces
// REVISIT: skip this for now. we really don't want to do it.
// seventh phase: store imported grammars
// for all grammars with <import>s
for (int i = fAllTNSs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// get its target namespace
String tns = (String)fAllTNSs.elementAt(i);
// get all namespaces it imports
Vector ins = (Vector)fImportMap.get(tns);
// get the grammar
SchemaGrammar sg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(emptyString2Null(tns));
if (sg == null)
SchemaGrammar isg;
// for imported namespace
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < ins.size(); j++) {
// get imported grammar
isg = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar((String)ins.elementAt(j));