String[] up = (String[])credentials;
String username = up[0], passwd = up[1];
String clientIP = null;
MQAuthenticator a = null;
try {
a = new MQAuthenticator("admin", ServiceType.ADMIN);
} catch(Exception e) {
String errStr = rb.getString(rb.W_JMX_AUTHENTICATOR_INIT_FAILED, e.toString());
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, errStr);
throw new SecurityException(errStr);
* For RMI based connectors, we can get to the client host IP
* This can be used for auth/access control if needed
if (csi.getConfiguredJMXServiceURL().getProtocol().equals("rmi")) {
try {
clientIP = RemoteServer.getClientHost();
* We need the IP address. The following guarantees that.
InetAddress clientHostIA = InetAddress.getByName(clientIP);
clientIP = clientHostIA.getHostAddress();
} catch (Exception e) {
String errStr
= rb.getString(rb.W_JMX_FAILED_TO_GET_IP, csi.getName(), e.toString());
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, errStr);
* XXX: Should a SecurityException be thrown here ?
* ie is it necessary for most cases ?
throw new SecurityException(errStr);
AccessController ac = a.getAccessController();
if (ac != null) {
try {
a.authenticate(username, passwd);
} catch(Exception e) {
String errStr
= rb.getString(rb.W_JMX_CONNECTOR_AUTH_FAILED, csi.getName(), e.toString());
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, errStr);
throw new SecurityException(errStr);