"Restore persistent data for broker " + brokerID);
FileStore bkrFS = null;
JMSBridgeStore jmsbridgeStore = null;
try {
String instanceRootDir = backupDir + File.separator + brokerID;
bkrFS = new FileStore(instanceRootDir, false);
// Destination table.
Destination[] dstArray = bkrFS.getAllDestinations();
for (int i = 0, len = dstArray.length; i < len; i++) {
DestinationUID did = dstArray[i].getDestinationUID();
Destination dst = jdbcStore.getDestination(did);
if (dst == null) {
// Store the destination if not found
jdbcStore.storeDestination(dstArray[i], sessionID);
// Retrieve messages for each destination.
for (int i = 0, len = dstArray.length; i < len; i++) {
for (Enumeration e = bkrFS.messageEnumeration(dstArray[i]);
e.hasMoreElements();) {
DestinationUID did = dstArray[i].getDestinationUID();
Packet message = (Packet)e.nextElement();
SysMessageID mid = message.getSysMessageID();
// Get interest states for the message; Consumer State table
HashMap stateMap = bkrFS.getInterestStates(did, mid);
if (stateMap == null || stateMap.isEmpty()) {
did, message, null, null, sessionID, false);
} else {
int size = stateMap.size();
ConsumerUID[] iids = new ConsumerUID[size];
int[] states = new int[size];
Iterator stateItr = stateMap.entrySet().iterator();
int j = 0;
while (stateItr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)stateItr.next();
iids[j] = (ConsumerUID)entry.getKey();
states[j] = ((Integer)entry.getValue()).intValue();
did, message, iids, states, sessionID, false);
// Transaction table
Collection txnList = bkrFS.getTransactions(brokerID);
Iterator txnItr = txnList.iterator();
while (txnItr.hasNext()) {
TransactionUID tid = (TransactionUID)txnItr.next();
TransactionInfo txnInfo = bkrFS.getTransactionInfo(tid);
TransactionAcknowledgement txnAck[] =
jdbcStore.storeTransaction(tid, txnInfo, sessionID);
for (int i = 0, len = txnAck.length; i < len; i++) {
jdbcStore.storeTransactionAck(tid, txnAck[i], false);
* JMSBridge
Properties bp = new Properties();
bp.setProperty("instanceRootDir", instanceRootDir);
bp.setProperty("reset", "false");
bp.setProperty("logdomain", "imqdbmgr");
jmsbridgeStore = (JMSBridgeStore)BridgeServiceManager.getExportedService(
"com.sun.messaging.bridge.service.JMSBridgeStore", "JMS", bp);
if (jmsbridgeStore != null) {
List bnames = jmsbridgeStore.getJMSBridges(null);
String bname = null;
Iterator itr = bnames.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
bname = (String)itr.next();
jdbcStore.addJMSBridge(bname, true, null);
jmsbridgeStore = null;
bname = null;
itr = bnames.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
bname = (String)itr.next();
bp.setProperty("jmsbridge", bname);
if (jmsbridgeStore != null) {
jmsbridgeStore = null;
logger.logToAll(logger.INFO, "Restore JMS bridge "+bname);
jmsbridgeStore = (JMSBridgeStore)BridgeServiceManager.getExportedService(
"com.sun.messaging.bridge.service.JMSBridgeStore", "JMS", bp);
List xids = jmsbridgeStore.getTMLogRecordKeysByName(bname, null);
logger.logToAll(logger.INFO, "\tRestore JMS bridge "+bname+" with "+xids.size()+" TM log records");
String xid = null;
byte[] lr = null;
Iterator itr1 = xids.iterator();
while (itr1.hasNext()) {
xid = (String)itr1.next();
lr = jmsbridgeStore.getTMLogRecord(xid, bname, null);
if (lr == null) {
"JMSBridge TM log record not found for "+xid);
jdbcStore.storeTMLogRecord(xid, lr, bname, true, null);
} finally {
if (jmsbridgeStore != null) jmsbridgeStore.closeJMSBridgeStore();
logger.logToAll(Logger.INFO, "Restore persistent store complete.");
} catch (Throwable ex){