Package com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.util

Examples of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.util.ClassFileSource

        // check arguments
        affirm(inByteCode, "Illegal argument: inByteCode == null.");//NOI18N
        affirm(outByteCode, "Illegal argument: outByteCode == null.");//NOI18N

        // parse class
        final ClassFileSource cfs;
        final ClassFile cf;
        final ClassControl cc;
        try {
            // create class file source
            cfs = new ClassFileSource(null, inByteCode);

            // create class file
            final DataInputStream dis = cfs.classFileContents();
            cf = new ClassFile(dis);
//@lars: do not close the input stream
//            dis.close();

            // create class control
            cc = new ClassControl(cfs, cf, env);

            // get real class name
            final String className = cc.className();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            //@olsen: support for I18N
            throw new UserException(
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     * Look up the specified class in the class search path.  Callers
     * should normally consult the classmap prior to calling this function.
     * The class is not entered into the classmap
    public ClassControl lookupClass(String className) {
        ClassFileSource source = classPathOption.findClass(className);

        while (true) {
            if (source == null)
                return null;

            //@olsen: cosmetics
            try {
                ClassControl cc = new ClassControl(source, this);
                if (cc.className() != null &&
                    return cc;
            } catch (ClassFormatError e) {

            // Try to find an alternate source for the class
            source = source.nextSource(className);
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            } else {
                lookupName = className();

            ClassFileSource annotatedSource;
            if (env.updateInPlace() && !theClassSource.isZipped())
                annotatedSource = theClassSource;
                annotatedSource = env.lookupDestClass(lookupName);

            if (annotatedSource == null) {
                // No annotated class exists
                updateType = UpdateNew;
            } else {
                try {
                    long annModDate = annotatedSource.modificationDate();
                    long srcModDate = source().modificationDate();
                    if (annModDate < srcModDate) {
                        // An annotated class exists, but it is older than
                        // the input
                        updateType = UpdateNewer;
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        // check arguments
        affirm(inByteCode, "Illegal argument: inByteCode == null.");//NOI18N
        affirm(outByteCode, "Illegal argument: outByteCode == null.");//NOI18N

        // parse class
        final ClassFileSource cfs;
        final ClassFile cf;
        final ClassControl cc;
        try {
            // create class file source
            cfs = new ClassFileSource(null, inByteCode);

            // create class file
            final DataInputStream dis = cfs.classFileContents();
            cf = new ClassFile(dis);
//@lars: do not close the input stream
//            dis.close();

            // create class control
            cc = new ClassControl(cfs, cf, env);

            // get real class name
            final String className = cc.className();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            //@olsen: support for I18N
            throw new UserException(
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     * Look up the specified class in the class search path.  Callers
     * should normally consult the classmap prior to calling this function.
     * The class is not entered into the classmap
    public ClassControl lookupClass(String className) {
        ClassFileSource source = classPathOption.findClass(className);

        while (true) {
            if (source == null)
                return null;

            //@olsen: cosmetics
            try {
                ClassControl cc = new ClassControl(source, this);
                if (cc.className() != null &&
                    return cc;
            } catch (ClassFormatError e) {

            // Try to find an alternate source for the class
            source = source.nextSource(className);
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            } else {
                lookupName = className();

            ClassFileSource annotatedSource;
            if (env.updateInPlace() && !theClassSource.isZipped())
                annotatedSource = theClassSource;
                annotatedSource = env.lookupDestClass(lookupName);

            if (annotatedSource == null) {
                // No annotated class exists
                updateType = UpdateNew;
            } else {
                try {
                    long annModDate = annotatedSource.modificationDate();
                    long srcModDate = source().modificationDate();
                    if (annModDate < srcModDate) {
                        // An annotated class exists, but it is older than
                        // the input
                        updateType = UpdateNewer;
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Related Classes of com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.util.ClassFileSource

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