Package com.sun.jdi

Examples of com.sun.jdi.StringReference

            try {
                Object rem = getRemoteVar( "sourceName" );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                StringReference res = (StringReference) rem;
                String realres = res.value();
                ctxCache.setCacheMVELName( realres );
                return realres;
            } catch ( NullPointerException e ) {
                // Drools 5
            } catch ( Throwable e ) {
                DroolsEclipsePlugin.log( e );

            // Drools 5
            try {
                Object rem = getRemoteVar( "label" );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                ObjectReference obj = (ObjectReference) rem;
                ClassType frameType = (ClassType) obj.type();
                Field field = frameType.fieldByName( "sourceFile" );
                rem = obj.getValue( field );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                StringReference res = (StringReference) rem;
                String realres = res.value();
                ctxCache.setCacheMVELName( realres );
                return realres;
            } catch ( Throwable e ) {
                DroolsEclipsePlugin.log( e );
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        ReferenceType refType = debugHandlerClass;
        Method m = (Method) refType.methodsByName( "registerBreakpoint" ).iterator().next();
        List<Value> args = new ArrayList<Value>();
        IntegerValue lineVal = getVM().mirrorOf( line );
        StringReference nameVal = getVM().mirrorOf( sourceName );
        JDIObjectValue val = (JDIObjectValue) newValue( sourceName );
        ObjectReference realVal = val.getUnderlyingObject();
        args.add( nameVal );
        args.add( lineVal );
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        ReferenceType refType = debugHandlerClass;
        Method m = (Method) refType.methodsByName( "removeBreakpoint" ).iterator().next();
        List<Value> args = new ArrayList<Value>();
        IntegerValue lineVal = getVM().mirrorOf( line );
        StringReference nameVal = getVM().mirrorOf( sourceName );
        JDIObjectValue val = (JDIObjectValue) newValue( sourceName );
        ObjectReference realVal = val.getUnderlyingObject();
        args.add( nameVal );
        args.add( lineVal );
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    ObjectReference promise = remote.evaluateForked("3 fromage");
    ThreadReference thread = ((ThreadReference) remote.invokeMethod(
        promise, "thread"));
    remote.invokeMethod(thread, "start");
    ObjectReference state = (ObjectReference) remote.invokeMethod(thread, "getState");
    StringReference str = (StringReference) remote.invokeMethod(state, "toString");
//    assertFalse(thread.isSuspended());
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            try {
                Object rem = getRemoteVar( "sourceName" );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                StringReference res = (StringReference) rem;
                String realres = res.value();
                ctxCache.setCacheMVELName( realres );
                return realres;
            } catch ( NullPointerException e ) {
                // Drools 5
            } catch ( Throwable e ) {
                DroolsEclipsePlugin.log( e );

            // Drools 5
            try {
                Object rem = getRemoteVar( "label" );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                ObjectReference obj = (ObjectReference) rem;
                ClassType frameType = (ClassType) obj.type();
                Field field = frameType.fieldByName( "sourceFile" );
                rem = obj.getValue( field );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                StringReference res = (StringReference) rem;
                String realres = res.value();
                ctxCache.setCacheMVELName( realres );
                return realres;
            } catch ( Throwable e ) {
                DroolsEclipsePlugin.log( e );
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            try {
                Object rem = getRemoteVar( "sourceName" );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                StringReference res = (StringReference) rem;
                String realres = res.value();
                ctxCache.setCacheMVELName( realres );
                return realres;
            } catch ( NullPointerException e ) {
                // Drools 5
            } catch ( Throwable e ) {
                DroolsEclipsePlugin.log( e );

            // Drools 5
            try {
                Object rem = getRemoteVar( "label" );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                ObjectReference obj = (ObjectReference) rem;
                ClassType frameType = (ClassType) obj.type();
                Field field = frameType.fieldByName( "sourceFile" );
                rem = obj.getValue( field );
                if ( rem == null ) {
                    return null;
                StringReference res = (StringReference) rem;
                String realres = res.value();
                ctxCache.setCacheMVELName( realres );
                return realres;
            } catch ( Throwable e ) {
                DroolsEclipsePlugin.log( e );
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        ReferenceType refType = (ReferenceType) debugHandlerClass;
        Method m = (Method) refType.methodsByName( "registerBreakpoint" ).iterator().next();
        List args = new ArrayList();
        IntegerValue lineVal = getVM().mirrorOf( line );
        StringReference nameVal = getVM().mirrorOf( sourceName );
        JDIObjectValue val = (JDIObjectValue) newValue( sourceName );
        ObjectReference realVal = val.getUnderlyingObject();
        args.add( nameVal );
        args.add( lineVal );
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        ReferenceType refType = (ReferenceType) debugHandlerClass;
        Method m = (Method) refType.methodsByName( "removeBreakpoint" ).iterator().next();
        List args = new ArrayList();
        IntegerValue lineVal = getVM().mirrorOf( line );
        StringReference nameVal = getVM().mirrorOf( sourceName );
        JDIObjectValue val = (JDIObjectValue) newValue( sourceName );
        ObjectReference realVal = val.getUnderlyingObject();
        args.add( nameVal );
        args.add( lineVal );
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  void classloaderGetParentDebug(ThreadReference thr, ClassLoaderReference clr, String classLoaderClassName, String iHashCode) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException, IncompatibleThreadStateException, InvocationException {
    try {
      if(classLoaderNames.get(iHashCode)!=null) { return; }
      StringReference vToString = (StringReference) simpleInvokeVMMethod(thr, clr, "toString");
      String clrToString = vToString.value();
      classLoaderNames.put(iHashCode, clrToString);
      Value vParent = simpleInvokeVMMethod(thr, clr, "getParent");
      ObjectReference oParent = (ObjectReference) vParent;
      if(oParent!=null) {
        StringReference vParentToString = (StringReference) simpleInvokeVMMethod(thr, oParent, "toString");
        String parentToString = vParentToString.value();
        IntegerValue vParentHashCode = (IntegerValue) simpleInvokeVMMethod(thr, oParent, "hashCode");
        String iParentHashCode = Integer.toHexString(vParentHashCode.value());
        parentClassLoaders.put(iHashCode, iParentHashCode);
        classLoaderNames.put(iParentHashCode, parentToString);
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      for(Value vURL: values) {
        ObjectReference or = (ObjectReference) vURL;
        //logClazz.debug("   u:"+vURL.toString()+"/"+vURL.type());
        //Value v3 = simpleInvokeVMMethod(thr, or, "toString");
        StringReference vURLstr = (StringReference) simpleInvokeVMMethod(thr, or, "toString");
        String svURLstr = vURLstr.value();
        logClazz.debug("   url: "+svURLstr);
        String pathFoundTmp = find(svURLstr,;
        if(pathFound==null) {
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Related Classes of com.sun.jdi.StringReference

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