if (proxyName != null) {
// URI decoding
MessageBytes decodedURI = req.decodedURI();
if (compatWithTomcat || !v3Enabled) {
try {
req.getURLDecoder().convert(decodedURI, false);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
res.setMessage("Invalid URI: " + ioe.getMessage());
return false;
/* GlassFish Issue 2339
// Normalize decoded URI
if (!normalize(req.decodedURI())) {
res.setMessage("Invalid URI");
return false;
// Set the remote principal
String principal = req.getRemoteUser().toString();
if (principal != null) {
request.setUserPrincipal(new CoyotePrincipal(principal));
// Set the authorization type
String authtype = req.getAuthType().toString();
if (authtype != null) {
/* CR 6309511
// URI character decoding
convertURI(decodedURI, request);
// Parse session Id
parseSessionId(req, request);
// START CR 6309511
// URI character decoding
// START GlassFish Issue 2339
// Normalize decoded URI
if (!normalize(decodedURI)) {
res.setMessage("Invalid URI");
return false;
// END GlassFish Issue 2339
// END CR 6309511
* Remove any parameters from the URI, so they won't be considered
* by the mapping algorithm, and save them in a temporary CharChunk,
* so that any session id param may be parsed once the target
* context, which may use a custom session parameter name, has been
* identified
CharChunk uriParamsCC = request.getURIParams();
CharChunk uriCC = decodedURI.getCharChunk();
int semicolon = uriCC.indexOf(';');
if (semicolon > 0) {
uriParamsCC.setChars(uriCC.getBuffer(), semicolon,
uriCC.getEnd() - semicolon);
decodedURI.setChars(uriCC.getBuffer(), uriCC.getStart(),
if (compatWithTomcat || !v3Enabled) {
MessageBytes localDecodedURI = decodedURI;
if (semicolon > 0) {
localDecodedURI = (MessageBytes)req.getNote(MESSAGE_BYTES);
if (localDecodedURI == null) {
localDecodedURI = MessageBytes.newInstance();
req.setNote(MESSAGE_BYTES, localDecodedURI);
connector.getMapper().map(req.serverName(), localDecodedURI,
MappingData md = request.getMappingData();
req.setNote(MAPPING_DATA, md);
Object context = request.getMappingData().context;
if (context instanceof ContextRootInfo) {
// this block of code will be invoked when an AJP request is intended
// for an Adapter other than the CoyoteAdapter
final Adapter toInvoke = ((ContextRootInfo) context).getAdapter();
// Ensure the Adapter isn't the ContainerMapper. It could be there
// is only one container/adapter currently active. If this is the
// case, it could cause recursion and blow the stack.
if (!"com.sun.enterprise.v3.services.impl.ContainerMapper".equals(toInvoke.getClass().getName())) {
toInvoke.service(req, res);
toInvoke.afterService(req, res);
return false;
Context ctx = (Context) context;
// Parse session id
if (ctx != null && !uriParamsCC.isNull()) {
request.parseSessionId(ctx.getSessionParameterName(), uriParamsCC);
// START GlassFish 1024
// END GlassFish 1024
// START SJSAS 6253524
// request.setContext((Context) request.getMappingData().context);
// END SJSAS 6253524
// START SJSAS 6253524
// END SJSAS 6253524
if (ctx != null && !uriParamsCC.isNull()) {
if (!uriParamsCC.isNull()) {
request.setWrapper((Wrapper) request.getMappingData().wrapper);
// Filter trace method
if (!connector.getAllowTrace()
&& req.method().equalsIgnoreCase("TRACE")) {
Wrapper wrapper = request.getWrapper();
String header = null;
if (wrapper != null) {
String[] methods = wrapper.getServletMethods();
if (methods != null) {
for (int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) {
// Exclude TRACE from methods returned in Allow header
if ("TRACE".equals(methods[i])) {
if (header == null) {
header = methods[i];
} else {
header += ", " + methods[i];
res.addHeader("Allow", header);
res.setMessage("TRACE method is not allowed");
return false;
// Possible redirect
MessageBytes redirectPathMB = request.getMappingData().redirectPath;
// START SJSAS 6253524
// if (!redirectPathMB.isNull()) {
// END SJSAS 6253524
// START SJSAS 6253524
if (!redirectPathMB.isNull()
&& (!ctx.hasAdHocPaths()
|| (ctx.getAdHocServletName(((HttpServletRequest)
request.getRequest()).getServletPath()) == null))) {
// END SJSAS 6253524
String redirectPath = redirectPathMB.toString();
String query = request.getQueryString();
if (request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) {
// This is not optimal, but as this is not very common, it
// shouldn't matter
redirectPath = redirectPath + ";" + ctx.getSessionParameterName() + "="