The HttpTransport provides initialization services and utility methods for using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. The convention for the method names in this class are as follows:
- Methods starting with "read..." read the data from the network. They however DO NOT keep a copy of the data. The internal read buffer is recycled immediately. These methods are useful for reading data for which the content is irrelevant to the benchmark driver implementation. For example, tests where the server send large chunks of binary data, i.e. images do not care about the content. Using these methods will save both memory and cpu cycles on the driver side.
- Methods starting with "fetch..." actually read and keep a copy of the data for further analysis. These methods only work properly with text data as the result is saved to a java.lang.StringBuilder.
- Methods starting with "match.." internally fetch the data just like the "fetch..." methods. In addition, they perform analysis on the data received.
Currenly, the HttpTransport class does not provide a way to keep binary data for further analysis. This function can and will be added if there is a use case for keeping such binary data.
@author Akara Sucharitakul