ConnectorDescriptor desc = registry.getDescriptor(rarName);
Subject subject = null;
ClientSecurityInfo info = null;
boolean subjectDefined = false;
if (isUnknownAuth && rarName.equals(ConnectorConstants.DEFAULT_JMS_ADAPTER)
&& !(pmd.isAuthCredentialsDefinedInPool())) {
//System.out.println("Unkown Auth - pobably nonACC client");
//Unknown authorization. This is the case for standalone java clients,
//where the authorization is neither container nor component
//managed. In this case we associate an non-null Subject with no
//credentials, so that the RA can either use its own custom logic
//for figuring out the credentials. Relevant connector spec section
//create non-null Subject associated with no credentials
//System.out.println("RAR name "+ rarName);
subject = ConnectionPoolObjectsUtils.createSubject(mcf, null);
} else {
if (prin == null) {
info = new ClientSecurityInfo(cxRequestInfo);
} else {
info = new ClientSecurityInfo(prin);
if (prin.equals(defaultPrin)) {
subject = pmd.getSubject();
} else {
subject = ConnectionPoolObjectsUtils.createSubject(mcf, prin);