For the deployment scenario, the following will be the order of which the methods will be invoked.
1. {@link #expand(File,File)} will be first called to expand the archive to the specified module root directory if this is an archive deployment.
2. {@link #prepare(File,File,ClassLoader)} will be then called to create a module classloader, process the metadata inside the archive, and generate any necessary artifacts. It will return back an ArchiveDescriptor object encapsulating all the processed metadata information and with the module classloader set on it.
For the undeployment scenario, the following will be the order of which the methods will be invoked.
1. {@link #cleanup(File)} will be then called to clean up the module directory.
For the server start up scenario, the following will be the order of which the methods will be invoked to load up the module.
1. {@link #prepare(File,File,ClassLoader)} will be first called to create a module classloader, process the metadata inside the archive and generate any necessary artifacts. It will return back an ArchiveDescriptor object encapsulating all the processed metadata information and with the module classloader set on it.
The loading and unloading of the modules to and from the container shall be implemented by an implementation of the ArchiveLoader interface or a custom loader