Package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context.EjbBundleContext


        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler();

        if (aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
            EjbBundleContext ejbBundleContext = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;
            AnnotatedElementHandler aeh = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjb();
            if (aeh != null) {
                aeHandler = aeh;
            } else {
                if (isDelegatee()) {
                    aeHandler = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjbInterceptor();
                if (aeHandler == null) {
                    return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(aeHandler, ainfo);
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    public HandlerProcessingResult processAnnotation(AnnotationInfo ainfo)
            throws AnnotationProcessorException {

        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler();
        if (aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
            EjbBundleContext ejbBundleContext = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;
            aeHandler = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjb();
            if (aeHandler == null) {
                aeHandler = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjbInterceptor();
        // WebBundleContext is a ResourceContainerContext.

        if (aeHandler == null) {
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    public static AnnotatedElementHandler createAnnotatedElementHandler(
            BundleDescriptor bundleDesc) {
        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = null;
        if (bundleDesc instanceof EjbBundleDescriptor) {
            EjbBundleDescriptor ejbBundleDesc = (EjbBundleDescriptor)bundleDesc;
            aeHandler = new EjbBundleContext(ejbBundleDesc);
        } else if (bundleDesc instanceof ApplicationClientDescriptor) {
            ApplicationClientDescriptor appClientDesc =
            aeHandler = new AppClientContext(appClientDesc);
        } else if (bundleDesc instanceof WebBundleDescriptor) {
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    public HandlerProcessingResult processAnnotation(AnnotationInfo ainfo)
            throws AnnotationProcessorException {

        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler();
        if (aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
            EjbBundleContext ejbBundleContext = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;
            aeHandler = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjb();
        } else if (aeHandler instanceof WebBundleContext) {
            WebBundleContext webBundleContext = (WebBundleContext)aeHandler;
            aeHandler = webBundleContext.createContextForWeb();
            if (aeHandler == null) {
                // no such web comp, use webBundleContext
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        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler =

        if (aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
            EjbBundleContext ejbBundleContext = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;
            EjbBundleDescriptor ejbBundle = ejbBundleContext.getDescriptor();

            ApplicationException appExcAnn = (ApplicationException) annotation;

            EjbApplicationExceptionInfo appExcInfo = new
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        } else if (aeHandler == null || !(aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext)) {
            return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(
                ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler(), ainfo);

        EjbBundleContext ctx = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;

        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            logger.fine("My context is " + ctx);      
        String elementName = getAnnotatedName(annotation);
        if (elementName.length() == 0) {
            elementName = ejbClass.getSimpleName();           

        EjbBundleDescriptor currentBundle = ctx.getDescriptor();
        EjbDescriptor ejbDesc = null;
        try {
            ejbDesc = currentBundle.getEjbByName(elementName);
        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            //getEjbByName throws IllegalArgumentException when no ejb is found

        if (ejbDesc != null && !(ejbDesc instanceof DummyEjbDescriptor) ) {
            // element has already been defined in the standard DDs,
            // overriding rules applies
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {           
                logger.fine("Overriding rules apply for " + ejbClass.getName());

            // don't allow ejb-jar.xml overwrite ejb type
            if (!isValidEjbDescriptor(ejbDesc, annotation)) {
                // this is an error
                log(Level.SEVERE, ainfo,    
                    "Wrong annotation symbol for ejb {1}",
                    new Object[] { ejbDesc }));
                return getDefaultFailedResult();

            // <ejb-class> is optional if a component-defining
            // annotation is used.  If present, <ejb-class> element
            // must match the class on which the component defining annotation
            // appears.
            String descriptorEjbClass = ejbDesc.getEjbClassName();
            if( descriptorEjbClass == null ) {
            } else if( !descriptorEjbClass.equals(ejbClass.getName()) ) {
                log(Level.SEVERE, ainfo,    
                    new Object[] { descriptorEjbClass, elementName,
                                   ejbClass.getName() }));
                return getDefaultFailedResult();

        } else {
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                logger.fine("Creating a new descriptor for "
                    + ejbClass.getName());

            EjbDescriptor dummyEjbDesc = ejbDesc;

            ejbDesc = createEjbDescriptor(elementName, ainfo);

            // create the actual ejb descriptor using annotation info and
            // the information from dummy ejb descriptor if applicable
            if (dummyEjbDesc != null &&
                dummyEjbDesc instanceof DummyEjbDescriptor ) {
                // reset ejbClassName on ejbDesc

            // add the actual ejb descriptor to the ejb bundle

            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                logger.fine("New " +
                    getAnnotationType().getName() + " bean " + elementName);

        HandlerProcessingResult procResult = setEjbDescriptorInfo(ejbDesc, ainfo);
        doTimedObjectProcessing(ejbClass, ejbDesc);

        EjbContext ejbContext = new EjbContext(ejbDesc, ejbClass);
        // we push the new context on the stack...
        return procResult;
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        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler();

        if (aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
            EjbBundleContext ejbBundleContext = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;
            AnnotatedElementHandler aeh = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjb();
            if (aeh != null) {
                aeHandler = aeh;
            } else {
                if (isDelegatee()) {
                    aeHandler = ejbBundleContext.createContextForEjbInterceptor();
                if (aeHandler == null) {
                    return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(null, ainfo);
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        } else if (aeHandler == null || !(aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext)) {
            return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(
                ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler(), ainfo);

        EjbBundleContext ctx = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;

        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            logger.fine("My context is " + ctx);      
        String elementName = getAnnotatedName(annotation);
        if (elementName.length() == 0) {
            elementName = ejbClass.getSimpleName();           

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl currentBundle = (EjbBundleDescriptorImpl) ctx.getDescriptor();
        EjbDescriptor ejbDesc = null;
        try {
            ejbDesc = currentBundle.getEjbByName(elementName);
        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            //getEjbByName throws IllegalArgumentException when no ejb is found

        if (ejbDesc != null && !(ejbDesc instanceof DummyEjbDescriptor) ) {
            // element has already been defined in the standard DDs,
            // overriding rules applies
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {           
                logger.fine("Overriding rules apply for " + ejbClass.getName());

            // don't allow ejb-jar.xml overwrite ejb type
            if (!isValidEjbDescriptor(ejbDesc, annotation)) {
                // this is an error
                log(Level.SEVERE, ainfo,    
                    "Wrong annotation symbol for ejb {0}",
                    new Object[] { ejbDesc }));
                return getDefaultFailedResult();

            // <ejb-class> is optional if a component-defining
            // annotation is used.  If present, <ejb-class> element
            // must match the class on which the component defining annotation
            // appears.
            String descriptorEjbClass = ejbDesc.getEjbClassName();
            if( descriptorEjbClass == null ) {
            } else if( !descriptorEjbClass.equals(ejbClass.getName()) ) {
                log(Level.SEVERE, ainfo,    
                    new Object[] { descriptorEjbClass, elementName,
                                   ejbClass.getName() }));
                return getDefaultFailedResult();

        } else {
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                logger.fine("Creating a new descriptor for "
                    + ejbClass.getName());

            EjbDescriptor dummyEjbDesc = ejbDesc;

            ejbDesc = createEjbDescriptor(elementName, ainfo);

            // create the actual ejb descriptor using annotation info and
            // the information from dummy ejb descriptor if applicable
            if (dummyEjbDesc != null) {
                // reset ejbClassName on ejbDesc

            // add the actual ejb descriptor to the ejb bundle

            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                logger.fine("New " +
                    getAnnotationType().getName() + " bean " + elementName);

        // We need to include all ejbs of the same name in the annotation processing context
        // in order to handle the case that a bean class has both a component-defining
        // annotation and there are other ejb-jar.xml-defined beans with the same bean class.

        EjbDescriptor[] ejbDescs = currentBundle.getEjbByClassName(ejbClass.getName());
        HandlerProcessingResult procResult = null;
        for(EjbDescriptor next : ejbDescs) {
            procResult = setEjbDescriptorInfo(next, ainfo);
            doTimedObjectProcessing(ejbClass, next);              

        AnnotationContext annContext = null;
        if( ejbDescs.length == 1 ) {
            annContext = new EjbContext(ejbDesc, ejbClass);
        } else {

            annContext = new EjbsContext(ejbDescs, ejbClass);

        // we push the new context on the stack...
        return procResult;
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                            "an EJB class and context is not one of EJBContext");
                return false;
        } else if (context instanceof EjbBundleContext) {
            EjbBundleContext ejbContext = (EjbBundleContext) context;
            EjbBundleDescriptor ejbBundleDescriptor = ejbContext.getDescriptor();
            EjbDescriptor[] ejbDescriptor = ejbBundleDescriptor.getEjbByClassName(annotatedClass.getName());
            if (ejbDescriptor == null || ejbDescriptor.length == 0) {
                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Ignoring @ConnectorResourceDefinition annotation processing as the class " +
                            "[ " + annotatedClass + " ] is" +
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        } else if (aeHandler == null || !(aeHandler instanceof EjbBundleContext)) {
            return getInvalidAnnotatedElementHandlerResult(
                ainfo.getProcessingContext().getHandler(), ainfo);

        EjbBundleContext ctx = (EjbBundleContext)aeHandler;

        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            logger.fine("My context is " + ctx);      
        String elementName = getAnnotatedName(annotation);
        if (elementName.length() == 0) {
            elementName = ejbClass.getSimpleName();           

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl currentBundle = (EjbBundleDescriptorImpl) ctx.getDescriptor();
        EjbDescriptor ejbDesc = null;
        try {
            ejbDesc = currentBundle.getEjbByName(elementName);
        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            //getEjbByName throws IllegalArgumentException when no ejb is found

        if (ejbDesc != null && !(ejbDesc instanceof DummyEjbDescriptor) ) {
            // element has already been defined in the standard DDs,
            // overriding rules applies
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {           
                logger.fine("Overriding rules apply for " + ejbClass.getName());

            // don't allow ejb-jar.xml overwrite ejb type
            if (!isValidEjbDescriptor(ejbDesc, annotation)) {
                // this is an error
                log(Level.SEVERE, ainfo,    
                    "Wrong annotation symbol for ejb {0}",
                    new Object[] { ejbDesc }));
                return getDefaultFailedResult();

            // <ejb-class> is optional if a component-defining
            // annotation is used.  If present, <ejb-class> element
            // must match the class on which the component defining annotation
            // appears.
            String descriptorEjbClass = ejbDesc.getEjbClassName();
            if( descriptorEjbClass == null ) {
            } else if( !descriptorEjbClass.equals(ejbClass.getName()) ) {
                log(Level.SEVERE, ainfo,    
                    new Object[] { descriptorEjbClass, elementName,
                                   ejbClass.getName() }));
                return getDefaultFailedResult();

        } else {
            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                logger.fine("Creating a new descriptor for "
                    + ejbClass.getName());

            EjbDescriptor dummyEjbDesc = ejbDesc;

            ejbDesc = createEjbDescriptor(elementName, ainfo);

            // create the actual ejb descriptor using annotation info and
            // the information from dummy ejb descriptor if applicable
            if (dummyEjbDesc != null) {
                // reset ejbClassName on ejbDesc

            // add the actual ejb descriptor to the ejb bundle

            if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                logger.fine("New " +
                    getAnnotationType().getName() + " bean " + elementName);

        // We need to include all ejbs of the same name in the annotation processing context
        // in order to handle the case that a bean class has both a component-defining
        // annotation and there are other ejb-jar.xml-defined beans with the same bean class.

        EjbDescriptor[] ejbDescs = currentBundle.getEjbByClassName(ejbClass.getName());
        HandlerProcessingResult procResult = null;
        for(EjbDescriptor next : ejbDescs) {
            procResult = setEjbDescriptorInfo(next, ainfo);
            doTimedObjectProcessing(ejbClass, next);              

        AnnotationContext annContext = null;
        if( ejbDescs.length == 1 ) {
            annContext = new EjbContext(ejbDesc, ejbClass);
        } else {

            annContext = new EjbsContext(ejbDescs, ejbClass);

        // we push the new context on the stack...
        return procResult;
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context.EjbBundleContext

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