* if there was an error loading its deployment descriptors.
protected String getDefaultContextPath(Server serverBean) {
String contextRoot = null;
Applications appsBean = null;
appsBean = ServerBeansFactory.getApplicationsBean(
} catch (ConfigException e) {
String msg = _rb.getString("vs.appsConfigError");
Object[] params = { getID() };
msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, params);
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
String wmID = getDefaultWebModuleID();
if (wmID != null) {
// Check if the default-web-module is part of a
// j2ee-application
WebModuleConfig wmInfo = findWebModuleInJ2eeApp(appsBean, wmID);
// Look up the list of standalone web modules
if (wmInfo == null) {
WebModule wm = appsBean.getWebModuleByName(wmID);
if (wm != null) {
if (isActive(wm, false)) {
// Create a copy as we need to change the name
// and context root to indicate that this web module
// is to be loaded as the 'default' web module for