logger.finer("------- RAW METADATA RESPONSE ---------");
logger.finer("------- RAW METADATA RESPONSE ---------");
CommandModelData cm = new CommandModelData(name);
boolean sawFile = false;
try {
DocumentBuilder d =
Document doc = d.parse(in);
NodeList cmd = doc.getElementsByTagName("command");
Node cmdnode = cmd.item(0);
if (cmdnode == null) {
Node report = doc.getElementsByTagName("action-report").item(0);
String cause = getAttr(report.getAttributes(), "failure-cause");
if (ok(cause))
else {
Node mp = report.getFirstChild(); // message-part
if (mp != null)
cause = getAttr(mp.getAttributes(), "message");
if (ok(cause))
// no command info, must be invalid command or something
// wrong with command implementation
return null;
NamedNodeMap cmdattrs = cmdnode.getAttributes();
usage = getAttr(cmdattrs, "usage");
String dashOk = getAttr(cmdattrs, "unknown-options-are-operands");
if (dashOk != null)
cm.dashOk = Boolean.parseBoolean(dashOk);
NodeList opts = doc.getElementsByTagName("option");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = opts.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = n.getAttributes();
String sn = getAttr(attributes, "short");
String def = getAttr(attributes, "default");
String obs = getAttr(attributes, "obsolete");
String alias = getAttr(attributes, "alias");
ParamModelData opt = new ParamModelData(
getAttr(attributes, "name"),
typeOf(getAttr(attributes, "type")),
Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttr(attributes, "optional")),
ok(sn) ? sn : null,
ok(obs) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(obs) : false,
if (getAttr(attributes, "type").equals("PASSWORD")) {
opt.param._password = true;
opt.description = getAttr(attributes, "description");
if (opt.getType() == File.class)
sawFile = true;
// should be only one operand item
opts = doc.getElementsByTagName("operand");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = opts.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = n.getAttributes();
Class<?> type = typeOf(getAttr(attributes, "type"));
if (type == File.class)
sawFile = true;
int min = Integer.parseInt(getAttr(attributes, "min"));
String max = getAttr(attributes, "max");
boolean multiple = false;
if (max.equals("unlimited")) {
multiple = true;
// XXX - should convert to array of whatever
if (type == File.class)
type = File[].class;
type = List.class;
ParamModelData pm = new ParamModelData(
getAttr(attributes, "name"), type, min == 0, null);
pm.param._primary = true;
pm.param._multiple = multiple;
* If one of the options or operands is a FILE,
* make sure there's also a --upload option available.
* XXX - should only add it if it's not present
* XXX - should just define upload parameter on remote command
if (sawFile) {
cm.add(new ParamModelData("upload", Boolean.class,
true, null));
addedUploadOption = true;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException pex) {
// ignore for now