Package com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CLIProcessExecutor

    protected int executeCommand()
            throws CommandException, CommandValidationException {
        try {
            CLIProcessExecutor cpe = new CLIProcessExecutor();
            cpe.execute("pingDatabaseCmd", pingDatabaseCmd(false), true);
            if (cpe.exitValue() > 0) {
                // if ping is unsuccesfull then database is not up and running
                throw new CommandException(
                    strings.get("StopDatabaseStatus", dbHost, dbPort));
            } else if (cpe.exitValue() < 0) {
                // Something terribly wrong!
                throw new CommandException(
                    strings.get("UnableToStopDatabase", "derby.log"));
            } else {
                // database is running so go ahead and stop the database
                cpe.execute("stopDatabaseCmd", stopDatabaseCmd(), true);
                if (cpe.exitValue() > 0) {
                    throw new CommandException(
                        strings.get("UnableToStopDatabase", "derby.log"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
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     @throws CommandException
    protected int executeCommand()
            throws CommandException, CommandValidationException {
        final CLIProcessExecutor cpe = new CLIProcessExecutor();
        String dbLog = "";
        int exitCode = 0;
        try {
            dbHome = getDatabaseHomeDir();
            if (dbHome != null)
                dbLog = dbHome + File.separator + DerbyControl.DB_LOG_FILENAME;

            logger.finer("Ping Database");
            cpe.execute("pingDatabaseCmd", pingDatabaseCmd(true), true);
            // if ping is unsuccesfull then database is not up and running
            if (cpe.exitValue() > 0) {
                logger.finer("Start Database");
                cpe.execute("startDatabaseCmd", startDatabaseCmd(), false);
                if (cpe.exitValue() != 0) {
                    throw new CommandException(strings.get("UnableToStartDatabase", dbLog));
            } else if (cpe.exitValue() < 0) {
                // Something terribly wrong!
                throw new CommandException(strings.get("CommandUnSuccessful", name));
            } else {
                // database already started
      "StartDatabaseStatus", dbHost, dbPort));
        } catch (IllegalThreadStateException ite) {
            // IllegalThreadStateException is thrown if the
            // process has not yet teminated and is still running.
            // see
            // This is good since that means the database is up and running.
            CLIProcessExecutor cpePing = new CLIProcessExecutor();
            CLIProcessExecutor cpeSysInfo = new CLIProcessExecutor();
            try {
                if (!programOpts.isTerse()) {
                    // try getting sysinfo
                    logger.fine(strings.get("", dbHost, dbPort));
                cpePing.execute("pingDatabaseCmd", pingDatabaseCmd(true), true);
                int counter = 0;
                //give time for the database to be started
                while (cpePing.exitValue() != 0 && counter < 10) {
                    cpePing.execute("pingDatabaseCmd", pingDatabaseCmd(true), true);
                    //break out if start-database failed
                    try {
                    } catch (IllegalThreadStateException itse) {
                if (!programOpts.isTerse()) {
                    logger.finer("Database SysInfo");
                    if (cpePing.exitValue() == 0) {
                        cpeSysInfo.execute("sysinfoCmd", sysinfoCmd(), true);
                        if (cpeSysInfo.exitValue() != 0) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CLIProcessExecutor

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