catch( Exception ex ) {
LOG.info( "Unable to de-serialize method argument", ex );
// Write an error and return nothing
session.write( new InvokeReturnIMessage( call_id,
new ServerException( "Error de-serializing method argument", ex ),
true, null, null ) );
return null;
String persistent_name = null;
if ( has_persistent_name ) {
try {
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "(In) Position before persistent name: " +
buffer.position() );
persistent_name = buffer.getString( STRING_DECODER );
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( " decoded persistent name: " + persistent_name );
System.out.println( "(In) Position after persistent name: " +
buffer.position() );
catch ( CharacterCodingException ex ) {
LOG.info( "Error decoding object persistent name", ex );
// Write an error and return nothing
session.write( new InvokeReturnIMessage( call_id,
new ServerException( "Error decoding object persistent name", ex ),
true, null, null ) );
return null;
UserContextInfo user_context = null;
if ( has_user_context ) {
try {
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "(In) Position before user context: " +
buffer.position() );
System.out.println( "Hex dump after context position: " +
buffer.getHexDump() );
user_context =
( UserContextInfo ) IoBufferSerialization.getObject( buffer );
catch( Exception ex ) {
LOG.info( "Error de-serializing user context", ex );
// Write an error and return nothing
session.write( new InvokeReturnIMessage( call_id,
new ServerException( "Error de-serializing user context", ex ),
true, null, null ) );
return null;