public void testTokenReconnection() throws Exception {
// Make sure we test the full stack. See comment on
// "Intrepid.disable_inter_instance_bridge" for more info.
IntrepidTesting.setInterInstanceBridgeDisabled( true );
TokenReconnectAuthenticationHandler mock_auth_handler =
createMock( TokenReconnectAuthenticationHandler.class );
UserContextInfo test_info = new SimpleUserContextInfo( "test_user" );
// Mock for first call - no token should be provided
expect( mock_auth_handler.checkConnection( EasyMock.<ConnectionArgs>isNull(),
EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(), EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(),
EasyMock.<ConnectionArgs>isNull() ) ).andReturn( test_info );
expect( mock_auth_handler.generateReconnectToken( eq( test_info ),
EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(), EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(),
EasyMock.<ConnectionArgs>isNull() ) ).andReturn( "my test token" );
expect( Integer.valueOf(
mock_auth_handler.getTokenRegenerationInterval() ) ).andReturn(
Integer.valueOf( 2 ) );
expect( mock_auth_handler.generateReconnectToken( eq( test_info ),
EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(), EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(),
eq( "my test token" ) ) ).andReturn( "my test token - TWO" );
expect( Integer.valueOf(
mock_auth_handler.getTokenRegenerationInterval() ) ).andReturn(
Integer.valueOf( 2 ) );
expect( mock_auth_handler.generateReconnectToken( eq( test_info ),
EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(), EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(),
eq( "my test token - TWO" ) ) ).andReturn( "my test token - THREE" );
expect( Integer.valueOf(
mock_auth_handler.getTokenRegenerationInterval() ) ).andReturn(
Integer.valueOf( 2 ) );
replay( mock_auth_handler );
IntrepidSetup setup = new IntrepidSetup();
setup.authHandler( mock_auth_handler );
setup.serverPort( 0 );
server_instance = Intrepid.create( setup );
Integer port = server_instance.getServerPort();
assertNotNull( port );
client_instance = Intrepid.create( null );
VMID server_vmid = client_instance.connect( InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
port.intValue(), null, null );
assertEquals( server_instance.getLocalVMID(), server_vmid );
CommTest.ServerImpl server_impl =
new CommTest.ServerImpl( true, server_instance.getLocalVMID() );
server_instance.getLocalRegistry().bind( "server", server_impl );
CommTest.Server proxy = ( CommTest.Server ) client_instance.getRemoteRegistry(
server_vmid ).lookup( "server" );
// Make a call... should work
ThreadKit.sleep( 5000 ); // time to regen two session tokens
// Shut down the server
System.out.println( "server instance closed" );
// Make sure checkConnection was called once and only once
verify( mock_auth_handler );
// Mock for second call - token SHOULD be provided
reset( mock_auth_handler );
expect( mock_auth_handler.checkConnection( EasyMock.<ConnectionArgs>isNull(),
EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(), EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(),
eq( "my test token - THREE" ) ) ).andReturn( test_info );
expect( mock_auth_handler.generateReconnectToken( eq( test_info ),
EasyMock.<ConnectionArgs>isNull(), EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(),
EasyMock.<SocketAddress>notNull(), eq( "my test token - THREE" ) ) )
.andReturn( "my NEW test token" );
expect( Integer.valueOf(
mock_auth_handler.getTokenRegenerationInterval() ) ).andReturn(
Integer.valueOf( 60 ) );
replay( mock_auth_handler );