Type t,
Folder f,
Item item,
java.io.File tgt) {
// Get descriptors for this item type.
Property p1 = getPrimaryDescriptor(t);
Property p2 = getSecondaryDescriptor(t);
String pName = (String) item.get(p1.getName());
if (!shouldCheckout(pName)) {
if (getVerbose()) {
// Show folder only if changed.
boolean bShowHeader = (f != prevFolder);
if (bShowHeader) {
// We want to display the folder the same way you would
// enter it on the command line ... so we remove the
// View name (which is also the name of the root folder,
// and therefore shows up at the start of the path).
String strFolder = f.getFolderHierarchy();
int i = strFolder.indexOf(delim);
if (i >= 0) {
strFolder = strFolder.substring(i + 1);
log(" Folder: \"" + strFolder + "\"");
prevFolder = f;
// If we displayed the project, view, item type, or folder,
// then show the list of relevant item properties.
StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(" Item");
if (p2 != null) {
// Finally, show the Item properties ...
// Always show the ItemID.
StringBuffer itemLine = new StringBuffer(" ");
// Show the primary descriptor.
// There should always be one.
itemLine.append(",\t").append(formatForDisplay(p1, item.get(p1.getName())));
// Show the secondary descriptor, if there is one.
// Some item types have one, some don't.
if (p2 != null) {
itemLine.append(",\t").append(formatForDisplay(p2, item.get(p2.getName())));
// Show if the file is locked.
int locker = item.getLocker();