this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
public void sendNotification(Check check, Subscription subscription, List<Alert> alerts) throws NotificationFailedException {
PagerDuty pagerDuty = PagerDuty.create(subscription.getTarget(), new RestAdapter.Builder()
NotifyResult result = null;
try {
if (check.getState() == AlertType.ERROR) {
Trigger trigger = new Trigger.Builder("Check '" + check.getName() + "' has exceeded its threshold.")
.addDetails(details(check, alerts))
result = pagerDuty.notify(trigger);
} else if (check.getState() == AlertType.OK) {
Resolution resolution = new Resolution.Builder(incidentKey(check))
.withDescription("Check '" + check.getName() + "' has been resolved.")
.addDetails(details(check, alerts))
result = pagerDuty.notify(resolution);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Did not send notification to PagerDuty for check in state: {}", check.getState());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NotificationFailedException("Failed to send notification to PagerDuty", e);