You can embed a {@link SourceViewerService} into any host application (or plugin). Exampleapplication: Eclipse plugin exposing Java source code viewing to other standalone development tools.
The TCP port used to publish the service is configurable (any port within 1024 .. 65535 range).
The {@link SourceViewerService} protocol is very simple, and consists of the following ASCIIcommands sent to the server.
<EOL> is either LF, CR, or a CR-LF pair.
The server greets any connecting clients with a welcome String and protocol version information: "OK SourceViewerService v1.0"
On receiving any packet, the server always sends back a success or failure code to the connected client.
Dependencies: {@link JavaEditorBridge}, JRE. @author Laurence Vanhelsuwe, Software Pearls BVBA