{@link com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.TimeItem#getDisplayFormat displayFormat} allows you to set the display formatfor this field. See also String for system-wide settings.
TimeItem automatically accepts both 12 and 24 hour time as well as partial times and a variety of possible time value separators. Examples:
11:34:45 AM => 11:34:45 1:3:5 AM => 01:30:50 1:3p => 13:30:00 11 34 am => 11:34:00 11-34 => 11:34:00 113445 => 11:34:45 13445 => 01:34:45 1134 => 11:34:00 134 => 01:34:00
Values entered by the user are stored as JavaScript Date
objects in GMT/UTC
time regardless of the local time zone. Note if you log, alert() or otherwise convert a
Date into a String, the default behavior is to show it in local time. To see the correct
time value, use the JavaScript built-in APIs dateValue.getUTCHours/Minutes/Seconds() or the