This class implements the DiskOrderedCursor. When an instance is constructed, a Producer Thread is created which runs a SortedLSNTreeWalker against the DiskOrderedCursor's Database. The callback for the SLTW takes Nodes that are passed to it, filters them appropriately (e.g. if the DiskOrderedCursor is configured for keysOnly, it takes the keys from the nodes, but not the data), and then puts those entries on a BlockingQueue which is shared between the Producer Thread and the application thread. When the application calls getNext(), it simply takes an entry off the queue and hands it to the caller. The entries on the queue are simple KeyAndData structs which hold byte[]'s for the key (and optional) data. A special instance of KeyAndData is used to indicate that the cursor scan has finished. Because SLTW doesn't really handle concurrent operations very well, DiskOrderedCursor assume a relatively loose set of consistency guarantees, which are in fact, even looser than dirty-read (READ_UNCOMMITTED) semantics. To wit: The records returned by the scan correspond to the state of the data set at the beginning of the scan, plus some but not all changes made by the application after the start of the scan. The user should not rely on the scan returning any changes made after the start of the scan. As with a READ_UNCOMMITTED scan, changes made by all transactions, including uncommitted transactions, may be returned by the scan. Also, a record returned by the scan is not locked, and may be modified or deleted by the application after it is returned, including modification or deletion of the record at the cursor position. If a transactionally correct data set is required, the application must ensure that all transactions that write to the key range are committed before the beginning of the scan, and that during the scan no records in the key range of the scan are inserted, deleted, or modified. If the cleaner is operating concurrently with the SLTW, then it is possible for a file to be deleted and a not-yet-processed LSN (i.e. one which has not yet been returned to the user) might be pointing to that deleted file. Therefore, we must disable file deletion (but not cleaner operation) during the DOS. Operations on DiskOrderedCursorImpls are re-entrant.