DbEnv handles are free-threaded if the {@link com.sleepycat.db.Db#DB_THREAD Db.DB_THREAD} flag is specified tothe {@link com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv#open DbEnv.open} method when theenvironment is opened. The DbEnv handle should not be closed while any other handle remains open that is using it as a reference (for example, {@link com.sleepycat.db.Db Db} or {@link com.sleepycat.db.DbTxn DbTxn}). Once either the {@link com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv#close DbEnv.close} or {@link com.sleepycat.db.DbEnv#remove DbEnv.remove} methods are called,the handle may not be accessed again, regardless of the method's return.